Best Man Tips

How to Be the Greatest Best Man?

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    It's natural to feel a little pleased of yourself if the groom choose you as best man. It's natural to experience a chilly dread as the weight of your commitment begins to settle on your shoulders. You're in a good position. Nearly two millennia ago, the German Goths established the role of best man by having him defend the groom from the bride's irate relatives. Just have a celebration, raise a glass, and make sure everything goes swimmingly on the big day.

    As a young man, you may feel like you spend your entire summer attending and planning around other people's weddings. Statistics reveal that 16% of proposals are made in December, and the majority weddings take place in October, so it's likely that you've been invited to a number of weddings and even asked to play a role in a few of them as the best man.

    As the best man, you will be responsible for arranging the groom's bachelor party, assisting him with packing, getting ready for the wedding, paying the officiating minister, and arranging for a getaway vehicle.

    Last but not least, as best man, it is your responsibility to see that the groom arrives on time to the reception, that the wedding ring is in place on the bride's finger at the appropriate time during the ceremony, and that you give a fantastic speech to the newlyweds. Looking for the ultimate Wedding Reception Venue in Melbourne? Look no further, Cosmopolitan events are here.

    FAQs About Weddings

    The best man is often in charge of the groomsmen, as he plans the bachelor party, helps them dress for the wedding, and even organizes their transportation to the ceremony. He is also responsible for lending a hand during pre-wedding events and the reception. Above all, he is there to support the groom.

    The best man traditionally speaks at the wedding reception following the maid of honor, though some couples may schedule the speeches during the rehearsal dinner instead. How many speeches does the best man give? The best man gives one speech either at the wedding reception or, less commonly, the rehearsal dinner.

    The Best Man: During the processional, the best man walks solo after the groomsmen and takes their place as the right-hand man of the groom. The Groom: The groom proceeds to walk down the aisle accompanied by their parents, with his father on the left and his mother on the right.

    In addition to being present at the wedding, the best man is expected to either purchase a gift for the groom or coordinate a group gift from the groomsmen. It's yet another responsibility for you to take on as best man.

    Usually, the groom selects close friends and relatives to serve as groomsmen, and it is considered an honor to be selected. From his groomsmen, the groom usually chooses one to serve as best man.

    Be the Groom's Aide and Wedding Planner

    You can, thankfully, keep your nose out of the wedding planning as much as possible; however, if you live in close proximity to the groom, you should offer to assist him in any way you can. You should should go get measured for your tux early.

    Best Man Tips Melbourne

    Ask the Groom if He Would Like a Bachelor Party

    Good news if so! Your first order of business is the celebration. Coordinate the timing with the groom, although often it takes place a few days to a week before the wedding. The best man typically handles all of the preparations, however he may outsource some responsibilities to the groomsmen, who are expected to chip in on the costs. It's up to the hosts to decide whether to have a low-key BBQ or go all out in a nightclub. Since the groom is typically kept in the dark at least to some extent, you should use his preferences as a point of departure. However, you should begin planning and inviting people right away.

    Make Sure the Groomsmen Are Ready for the Wedding

    To avoid any awkwardness, check that everyone has their tuxedos and has tried them on. Tell them what to do and where to stand throughout the ceremony so that they may do a good job of ushering visitors at the wedding.

    Help the groom out on his big day! You need to be prepared to give the groom the emotional support he craves on his big day. Make sure he has a polished appearance by doing things like straightening his bow tie and placing his cuff links on the right. The best man's primary responsibility is to ensure the prompt arrival of the groom at the ceremony. In addition, there are a few additional mundane yet crucial responsibilities:

    • After the ceremony, have the groom write a check to the officiant. Checks again, not yours may also be required for the DJ and the photographer.
    • During the ceremony, the groom should present the permission to legally marry. After the ceremony, the officiant must often sign the couple's marriage licence or certificate to make the union official. You should offer to keep this document safe and sign it as a witness when the ceremony is over.
    • Have the ring on your finger at all times. On the big day, you'll be responsible for protecting not only the bride's ring but also the groom's. Do not forget to bring the rings to the wedding. It's imperative that you take all measure possible to keep them safe.
    • Look at the situation and make sure it's in order. Help get the wedding venue, the families, and the guests ready for the ceremony at the last minute. Make an offer to assist in any manner possible. Always be on the lookout for impending catastrophes, and respond promptly to any that you find. If the bride's mother can't think of anything, she'll likely have some suggestions.

    Hold the Bride’s and Groom’s Rings Until the Vows Are Exchanged

    One customary wedding ritual is escorting the maid of honour down the aisle, where one then waits for the groom and the bride. A lengthy period of standing may be required on your part, depending on the nature of the event. Put forth a polished and respectable appearance by maintaining a tall, steady stance and avoiding any expressions of facial expression or slouching.

    Present the Ring(s) At the Appropriate Time

    If you're holding only the groom's ring, you will generally give it to him directly. If you're holding both rings, you'll probably give them to the officiant or the bride and groom individually. Timing will be handled at the rehearsal, so don't stress about it. Check to see if you still have the ring(s), and don't waste time stumbling about for it/them. Looking to purchase your wedding rings? Check out our list of Wedding Ring Shops to help you choose.

    Get to the Reception Early to Make Sure Everything Is in Order

    You should take care of any necessary last-minute preparations. Meet and greet the guests as they come, and get everyone set for the bride and groom's big moment.

    Propose the First Toast at the Reception

    It's the thing that makes most men nervous about being best man. If you get your toast ready ahead of time, things will run much more smoothly. Even if you've mastered your toast by heart, it's smart to have notes just in case. Even if you shouldn't repeat the toast word for word, you also shouldn't let anything slip your mind. Make sure everyone can see you and hear you by speaking clearly and loudly.

    Dance and Be Charming Throughout the Reception

    Perhaps by the time the wedding reception was an hour old, you were completely wasted. We won't be needing the if clause this time. If you can, you should dance with the bride's mother, the bride, the maid of honour, and any other members of the bridal party. Pay close attention to the happy couple and offer any help you can so they can relax and enjoy the reception. To learn more, check out our post on The Best Man Duties.

    Tips for Planning an Epic Bachelor Party

    One of the main reasons every dude wants to be the best man is for the bachelor party. And who wouldn't want to surprise their best buddy with a night (or weekend) of harmless debauchery? But some preparation is needed for the ideal bachelor party. You don't want it to bomb, and you especially don't want someone to come to half-naked with an eyebrow chopped off, moderate alcohol poisoning, and jerky in their wallet instead of their usual credit cards and cash. And here's how to make it work:

    • The first thing to do when organising a bachelor party is to consult the groom. It doesn't matter if you're the one organising the party or not; it's still his. Get a feel for the activities he has in mind, the people he hopes to see, and the vibe he hopes to create for the evening. Does he want to stay up all night or hang out with his closest pals?
    • If you and your friends are adrenaline junkies and health nuts, plan an action-packed weekend getaway somewhere awesome.
    • The next step, after learning the groom's wishes, is to consult with the male guests: Discuss potential guest lists, including the groom's siblings, cousins, and friends who aren't in the groomsmen, and how everyone's schedules and budgets will work out. You intend to respect the groom's preferences. But you need also make sure that everyone else finds it acceptable. Key males from the bride's side of the family, such as friends and siblings, should be invited to the wedding as well. This will ensure that the guests continue to feel like they are a part of the family long after the wedding weekend has ended.
    • Get some experience haggling by practising. In order to make everyone happy and to be able to participate in the groom's extravagant weekend in Vegas, you may need to plan lesser hotels and explore budget-friendly meal options.

    Need more pointers on what to wear, how to act, and what to gift the bride and groom? Our wedding survival guide has everything you need to pull it off with class.

    People often think twice about accepting the post of best man because they have to make a speech. Worse yet, following a wedding, the guests' memories tend to centre on two things: the bride's dress and the quality of the speeches. But have no fear; assistance is at hand.

    Don't worry if you haven't given a speech in front of a group of people since you were in school. Even if you're terrified of public speaking, there are many strategies that seasoned orators take to guarantee that their presentations go off without a hitch.

    The Order of Service

    According to custom, the groom's father gives the first speech, during which he expresses gratitude to the guests, tells them about his daughter, and proposes a toast to the newlyweds. The groom comes next, followed by the bride if they're together. After toasting the bridesmaids, they will thank the father of the bride and distribute thank you gifts. You'll be expected to rise and shine then.

    Most importantly, the best man must...

    • If there isn't a designated toastmaster, you'll need to take on that role and introduce everyone else who will be talking.
    • Facilitating the distribution of any "thank you" presents purchased by the bride and couple
    • On behalf of the bridesmaids, I'd want to thank the groom for his toast.
    • All the other guests who have been toasted offer their gratitude.
    • Communication with the dead through the reading of letters
    • I'm going to give a hilarious speech about the groom, complete with stories that may be enjoyed by people of all ages.
    • A final toast to the newlyweds

    Getting Started 

    If you've been asked to give the best man's speech, you should start thinking about it as soon as possible and writing down any thoughts that come to mind. Start planning the wedding in earnest and making detailed notes no later than three months before the big day. You should aim to complete the broad outline around a month before the wedding, giving you plenty of time for rehearsal and minor adjustments.

    Take Notes

    At first, jot down a few bullet points describing the groom's personality qualities, interests, and accomplishments, as well as any anecdotes that come to mind. Keep in mind that you can exclude any parts of the story that are inappropriate for younger audiences or your grandmother.

    Choose the Right Stories

    Stories about his early life, family vacations, pets, his first job, unusual quirks, or amusing pastimes would all make good fodder. If you and the groom go way back, perhaps you have some interesting anecdotes from your time together in high school, college, or graduate school that you can share.

    Even if your history with him is brief, recall the times you've spent together, whether it be at the bar on a Saturday, witnessing a hilarious football mishap, or experiencing a nightmare at the office. Maybe some anecdotes from the stag do that are appropriate for the audience would work. Only two good ones are required, so don't worry too much about that.

    Do Some Research

    Talk to your siblings or friends if you're at a loss for what to write about. Perhaps he can get some ideas from his old school reports or hear some interesting stories from his youth from his parents.

    Structure Your Speech

    One must begin with a catchy opening sentence in order to win over the listener. Now it's time for toasts, thanks, messages from faraway pals, and hilarious anecdotes. To learn more about how to make a great speech, see this link.

    Just Don't Mention The…

    Several things you should never do. Whatever you think about the couple's compatibility, refrain from using profanity and making judgemental comments. If either of you is divorced or has any sort of terrible habit (such as alcoholism, gambling, etc.), it's best not to bring it up.

    When children are present or not, don't tell inappropriate jokes and don't make fun of the bride, the groom, the parents of the couple, the bridesmaids, or the wedding itself. Think of this as a warning!

    Dealing with Nerves

    Having everything you need before you start can help calm your anxiety. You should practise repeating your prepared remarks. Ask a trusted friend or partner to read it and give you constructive criticism. Read this helpful post for more advice on calming your anxiety before a major speech.

    Be Prepared

    If you think it would be funny, have a couple lines ready for your inebriated friends to heckle you. You know, "We will let you off," or anything like that. To this day, we still fondly recall our first tastes of beer. If they persist, it's best to avoid an argument. Avoid doing this unless you want to get completely derailed from your stream of thinking. Just shrug it off and keep moving forwards.

    Expert Advice

    Writing the speech yourself will give it a more personal touch, but if you find yourself stuck, professional help is available. A professional speechwriter can either create the entire speech for you from fresh after you provide him with some guidelines, or they can edit and improve upon a speech you have already written. When giving your toast, you can choose to include a humorous poem that the company wrote about the groom.

    On the Day

    It's a good idea to have someone give you a quick lesson on how to use the microphone at the start of the wedding reception, just so you know what you're doing. One copy of the speech should be kept in your jacket's pocket, and a second should be stashed in your suitcase. Then, ten minutes before the speeches begin, find a quiet spot and read through it quickly so that it's fresh in your mind. It wouldn't hurt to check for spinach in your teeth, straighten your tie, and give your hair a quick trim while you're at it.

    The Big Moment

    Before you stand up to speak, take a few deep breaths, and make it a point to pay attention to your breathing. Don't be afraid to take a few steps forwards once you've decided to stand, but do so with assurance and settle into a comfortable position once you've done so. The great best man's speech is one that is easygoing and heartfelt, so gently remind yourself of this fact right before you begin. Just be yourself, tell a few stories, and wish the couple well; no one is expecting a routine on par with Jimmy Carr. Sending you the best of luck!

    For Any Forgotten Items, Please Check With the Front Desk

    The couple is likely to be very preoccupied with final farewells as the evening winds down. To avoid leaving anything behind, double-check the lobby for any forgotten things before you leave. You shouldn't forget your phone, purse, shoes, makeup, or any gifts. These are the kinds of things that will cement your status as the best man.

    Most significantly, there is a special significance to your presence on this day since your best friend, brother, or even Dad has specifically requested your presence. Probably because he cares about you and trusts you a lot. Also, maybe it was the polite thing to do to prevent family strife or to ensure a fair distribution of genders among the bridesmaids. Show your support for the happy couple no matter what!


    Your duties as best man include planning the groom's bachelor party, helping him get ready for the wedding, paying the presiding clergyman, and setting up transportation for the newlyweds after the ceremony. During the ceremony, it is your duty to make sure the groom comes on time and that the wedding ring is on his finger. The best man's first and foremost duty is to see that the groom arrives on time for the wedding. Contributions from the groomsmen towards the wedding budget are expected. Ensure he looks his best by straightening his bow tie and sliding his cuff links to the right.

    You'll have to keep the groom's ring safe as well as the bride's. You must do everything in your power to ensure their safety. Assist with the last preparations of the wedding site, the families, and the visitors. Offer your help in any way you can. You don't want your bachelor party guests to show up half-naked, with an eyebrow missing, alcohol sickness, and a wad of jerky in their wallet instead of cash or credit cards.

    What to say as the best man's speech at a wedding. There will be plenty of time for you to write your speech, practise it, and make any necessary changes if you start the process three months in advance of the event. Don't stress yourself out about giving more than two excellent speeches. The wedding, the bride, the groom, the bridesmaids, or the parents of the couple should not be made fun of in any way.

    Before the wedding celebration begins, have someone show you how to work the microphone. Don't forget, softly, right before you start speaking, that the ideal best man's speech is one that is relaxed and sincere.

    Content Summary

    • It's natural to feel a little pleased with yourself if the groom chooses you as best man.
    • As the best man, you will be responsible for arranging the groom's bachelor party, assisting him with packing, getting ready for the wedding, paying the officiating minister, and arranging for a getaway vehicle.
    • You can, thankfully, keep your nose out of the wedding planning as much as possible; however, if you live in close proximity to the groom, you should offer to assist him in any way you can.
    • Coordinate the timing with the groom, although often it takes place a few days to a week before the wedding.
    • The best man typically handles all of the preparations, however he may outsource some responsibilities to the groomsmen, who are expected to chip in on the costs.
    • Help the groom out on his big day!
    • The best man's primary responsibility is to ensure the prompt arrival of the groom at the ceremony.
    • After the ceremony, have the groom write a check to the officiant.
    • Have the ring on your finger at all times.
    • Do not forget to bring the rings to the wedding.
    • Help get the wedding venue, the families, and the guests ready for the ceremony at the last minute.
    • If you get your toast ready ahead of time, things will run much more smoothly.
    • One of the main reasons every dude wants to be the best man is for the bachelor party.
    • The first thing to do when organising a bachelor party is to consult the groom.
    • Discuss potential guest lists, including the groom's siblings, cousins, and friends who aren't in the groomsmen, and how everyone's schedules and budgets will work out.
    • You intend to respect the groom's preferences.
    • Key males from the bride's side of the family, such as friends and siblings, should be invited to the wedding as well.
    • If you've been asked to give the best man's speech, you should start thinking about it as soon as possible and writing down any thoughts that come to mind.
    • Start planning the wedding in earnest and making detailed notes no later than three months before the big day.
    • Talk to your siblings or friends if you're at a loss for what to write about.
    • When children are present or not, don't tell inappropriate jokes and don't make fun of the bride, the groom, the parents of the couple, the bridesmaids, or the wedding itself.
    • You should practise repeating your prepared remarks.
    • Read this helpful post for more advice on calming your anxiety before a major speech.
    • It's a good idea to have someone give you a quick lesson on how to use the microphone at the start of the wedding reception, just so you know what you're doing.
    • One copy of the speech should be kept in your jacket's pocket, and a second should be stashed in your suitcase.
    • The great best man's speech is one that is easygoing and heartfelt, so gently remind yourself of this fact right before you begin.
    • To avoid leaving anything behind, double-check the lobby for any forgotten things before you leave.
    • Show your support for the happy couple no matter what!
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