Why Do Weddings Need A Theme?

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    You can prepare a themed wedding however you like, depending on how fully you want to immerse yourself in the theme. Even if you don't want to go "all out," you can still incorporate elements of your chosen theme into certain parts of your wedding day, such as the food served or the clothes you as well as your bridal party wear.

    A bride who wants a Breakfast at Tiffany's-themed wedding, for instance, might have her wedding colours be eggshell blue and her wedding day accessories be pearls and a beehive.

    Another bride who has chosen Breakfast at Tiffany's as her inspiration may choose to do so with greater zeal. Her wedding might have a colour scheme of eggshell blue, with invitations and decorations inspired by the film Breakfast at Tiffany's; she might even ask guests to dress up as their favourite characters from the movie.

    Each couple's experience with planning and carrying out a themed wedding will be unique, as will the degree to which its members choose to immerse themselves in the theme throughout the event.

    Do you feel like there needs to be a central theme for your wedding? There has been a significant shift in the last six to ten years, when it was common for the bride to choose the theme but also colour scheme before anything else for her wedding. Eek. The colours alone were a challenge for many. The tone, however, softened later on. They appear to be considerably more subtle now. Naturally, brides still opt for their favourite colours, but modern weddings focus more on unique details than grandiose displays.

    If you're one of the many people who has been wondering if a wedding theme is necessary, let me help you out. Please take into account the following points.

    Personalisation – The Magic Word

    Imagine you like this concept but you aren't a big travelling. It's fine if you're not, and you certainly aren't alone. Before you spend hundreds of euros on souvenirs, stationery, and home decor related to your trip, ask yourself if it's really worth it to you in the long run. The thing you really want is the item you should invest in financially.

    The Colours Are Enough.

    What if you currently know that the colours of your marriage would be mint and silver, or lilac and purple? Obviously, that's sufficient. By itself, that has a completely unique style. Almost certainly, you'll be able to coordinate a wide variety of garments, floral arrangements, and stationery. The end result will leave a good impression on guests as they enter the reception area. Do you feel like there needs to be a central theme for your wedding? It's possible that adding a motif on top of a harmonious colour scheme will be too much.

    Make It Whisper, Not Shout.

    The best way to understand this is through an illustration, so here we go. So you've decided to get married, and you want your big day to have a literary theme. If you look on Pinterest, you'll find a plethora of options, such as holding a library wedding. It's possible to make a day dedicated to reading books into something more like a theatrical production than a simple celebration of love. Instead of anticipating saying your vows as well as spending the day with the people you care about, you'll spend it shopping for the perfect accessories.

    Subtly emphasise the theme rather than yelling it from the rooftops. Choose only two or three alternatives instead. Centerpieces like book stacks and bookmark favours are just two examples. as in, table assignments and a cake. With enough, and people will still take notice.

    Mind The Guests

    Don't forget about your visitors. There will be a few who are game for a costume party, and they could be Regency ladies, Spanish senoritas, or gangsters. While this may be fun for some, not all guests will be able to afford it, and others may not even care about dressing up. If they feel pressured to conform too much, they may forget the true meaning of being invited to your wedding in the first place.

    Think In Broader Terms

    Think about something more nuanced and general that will be simpler to work with instead of making one bold statement as your theme.

    Such as, classy, glittery, and laid-back. Many more exist.

    Take a moment to picture the conversations that will be had among your guests after the event is over. People will be talking about how "elegant" the event was, how the food was the best they've ever encountered at a wedding, and how "great" it was to relax in the gardens. Do you really want this?

    Pick A Date That Already Has A Theme.

    A few are already scheduled! You understand exactly what it is that we are discussing.

    A question: did we forget any major holidays?

    Most event spaces will already be decorated for the special occasion, so you can save a considerable amount of money in this area. What's more, off-peak times (i.e., between October and April) tend to be much more affordable.

    Don't Know What You Want?

    Do you feel like there needs to be a central theme for your wedding? If you're at a loss for words or simply don't have a clue, all you can do is give it some serious thought (perhaps by trying out a new hairdo).

    You're tired of your hair but you're not getting a new cut or colour because you know the stylist will ask "what are you looking for?"

    If I ask you a question, all you can do is shrug.

    So, what would you recommend doing? You would start by browsing numerous images to determine which looks appeal to you most. Then you'd take a few to a stylist to get their opinion on which one is best for you.

    The same holds true for weddings. Before you start talking about words, look at some pictures. The actual ceremonies we've performed are a great place to begin. Take notes on what you like and share them with your planner or the person in charge of the venue. You could also ask a trusted family member or close friend, but remember that too many ideas can be confusing. Keep in mind that a "theme" isn't necessary. If you don't have something to maintain a consistent aesthetic, your wedding could end up looking like a county fair. If you're ever in doubt, go with the easier solution.

    The preceding, we hope, has provided you food for thought. Do you think a wedding theme is necessary? If it's going to put a significant dent in your budget, cause you untold amounts of stress, and take away from the significance of the day itself, then NO.

    However, if you have a particular theme in mind and insist on sticking with it, by all means! You should keep in mind that something doesn't have to be monumental for it to be significant. Our advice is to keep the theme simple and straightforward because it can easily go from being appropriate to being overwhelming.

    So, Do You Need A Theme For Your Wedding?

    The Golden Question: Does your wedding require a specific look or theme? You may be wondering if you need to give your wedding a predetermined style or theme if you're not particularly drawn to any one particular aesthetic. The decision rests solely with you, but settling on a style or theme can streamline the rest of the wedding planning process. Couples should pick a style or a theme for their wedding, if not both. The wedding's overall design can be more cohesive, your guests' expectations can be better informed, and you can better stick to your budget thanks to a well-thought-out concept of the event's aesthetic.

    The colours, decorations, music, and food for your wedding should all fit into your overall theme. However, the overall mood of the wedding for guests will be determined by the aesthetic you choose. What you hope your visitors will take away from your event can help guide your decision on the appropriate aesthetic. Comparatively, a boho wedding is typically less conventional than a classic wedding. It's crucial to zero in on your desired aesthetic and atmosphere.

    Here are 3 reasons why having one is very beneficial.

    It Gives You Somewhere To Start

    It provides you with a foundation. You can do whatever you want, of course, but it can be overwhelming! So having a theme provides a place to start looking.

    It Gives Your Wedding A Cohesive Feel

    If done correctly, a subtle theme won't always be obvious to your guests. However, it will enable your design choices and small details to "make sense." Every aspect of your day contributes to the story you are telling and the scene you are setting, so having details that contradict one another makes sense confusing.

    It Helps You Make Decisions

    The wedding details are easier to settle on if you have a central theme in mind. The question "does it match up my theme" can help you quickly decide if a particular flower arrangement, colour scheme, or stationery set is suitable for your wedding.

    Let's say you receive ten invitations and only four or five of them appeal to you because of their design, colour scheme, or some other factor. If your wedding has a particular theme (let's say rustic) and you've asked guests to wear a certain color(s), you don't have to bother with invitations that don't fit the bill. It narrows your choices down to just a few, making it easier to make a call. By presenting only two options and asking, "Which one?" you can save yourself and your partner the trouble of having to sort through six different possibilities before making a decision.

    What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Themed Wedding?


    Opportunity To Have Fun And Be Creative.

    With a wedding theme, you can let your imagination run wild while giving your guests an unforgettable experience. This is a fantastic opportunity for any couple, but especially for those who have been planning their dream wedding when they were kids.

    Planning a wedding with a specific theme in mind can be a lot of fun, as well as the results will be greatly appreciated by your loved ones on the big day. Having a wedding with a specific theme is also a fun way to make a statement about the two of you as a couple.

    A Memorable Experience For Your Guests

    Your wedding can be a wonderful, great moment for you and your guests if you choose a theme that speaks to you.

    Inviting guests to dress in costume or incorporating out-of-the-ordinary styling elements as well as decorations into your wedding day will help ensure that it is a memorable occasion for all.

    You Can Get Everyone Involved.

    The guests of a themed wedding can feel more invested in the event if they are encouraged to dress in accordance with the theme. Guests are more likely to talk to one another and have a good time at a themed wedding because the games, traditions, and formalities are all centred around the same central theme.

    If you're having a wedding with a festival theme, for instance, you might want to hold some of the festivities outside.

    It May Be Cost-Effective.

    However, depending on the theme you choose, you may be able to use items you already own or make simple decorations. With a vintage-inspired wedding, for instance, you could possibly borrow your great-cherished grandmother's bridal accessories or even wear her previously worn gown.


    It Can Sometimes Be Costly.

    Costumes, props, decorations, and service bookings can add up quickly if they are uncommon or difficult to find, which could drive up the price of your event depending on the theme. However, if a budget is established, costs need not grow out of control.

    Also, if you think it might be too pricey to go all out with your theme, you can still host a themed wedding by adding little details. You can provide your guests with themed Bomboniere, or play music, or serve food that fits the theme.

    The Result May Not Meet Your Expectations.

    The bride is often cautioned that the day of the wedding may not go exactly as planned, despite her best efforts but also meticulous preparations. The same idea applies to themed weddings, and maybe even more so because of the need to find unique items for the ceremony and reception.

    Your Guests May Not Want To Cooperate.

    Some of your invitees may feel uncomfortable or have no interest in dressing in accordance with your overall theme, particularly if it calls for elaborate costumes.

    It's possible that not everyone in your wedding party or guest list will feel at ease donning a costume. There's also the possibility that paying or renting a costume will make some guests unhappy.

    Several of your guests might be offended by the theme you choose, especially if it conflicts with their morals or religion.

    It Can Take Time To Source The Right Clothing, Props, And Services

    Bringing your theme to life may require extensive time and effort spent searching for the perfect hat or period costume. Some people may feel overwhelmed by the amount of time and effort required to plan a wedding, especially one with a specific theme.


    Depending on how much you want to commit to the theme, there is no right or wrong way to plan a themed wedding. Incorporate your wedding theme into certain aspects of the big day even if you don't want to "go all out." Would you like there to be a unifying concept for your wedding? If you have a harmonious colour scheme going on, adding a motif to it might be too much. Use subtlety to drive home the point rather than shouting it from the rooftops.

    A library wedding is just one of the many creative ideas you can find on Pinterest. Feel like there must be a unifying concept for your wedding? The majority of venues will have already been decorated for the event. The shoulder seasons (i.e., October through April) are typically the most cost-effective time to travel. When in doubt, choose the path of least resistance.

    Weddings benefit from having a central aesthetic or theme, if not both. Your guests may miss a subtle theme altogether. Your design decisions and particulars will "make sense" nonetheless. Subtle themes, if executed well, can speed up the decision-making process. You can give your guests a one-of-a-kind experience while also letting your creative juices flow with a wedding theme.

    A wedding with a distinct theme is an original and enjoyable way to express who you are as a couple. The opportunity to have a themed wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for any couple, but especially for those who have been daydreaming about their big day since they were young. It's important to plan ahead if you need unusual or hard-to-find costumes, props, decorations, or booking services, as these can drive up the total cost. It's possible that some guests won't want to or won't feel comfortable dressing in a way that fits your theme. Some guests may be dissatisfied if they are required to purchase or rent a costume.

    Content Summary

    • You can prepare a themed wedding however you like, depending on how fully you want to immerse yourself in the theme.
    • So you've decided to get married, and you want your big day to have a literary theme.
    • Do you feel like there needs to be a central theme for your wedding?
    • Take notes on what you like and share them with your planner or the person in charge of the venue.
    • The decision rests solely with you, but settling on a style or theme can streamline the rest of the wedding planning process.
    • However, the overall mood of the wedding for guests will be determined by the aesthetic you choose.
    • So having a theme provides a place to start looking.
    • Your wedding can be a wonderful, great moment for you and your guests if you choose a theme that speaks to you.
    • The guests of a themed wedding can feel more invested in the event if they are encouraged to dress in accordance with the theme.
    • However, if a budget is established, costs need not grow out of control.
    • Also, if you think it might be too pricey to go all out with your theme, you can still host a themed wedding by adding little details.
    • You can provide your guests with themed Bomboniere, or play music, or serve food that fits the theme.
    • Some of your invitees may feel uncomfortable or have no interest in dressing in accordance with your overall theme, particularly if it calls for elaborate costumes.

    FAQs About Wedding Venue

    There's no law stating that you must theme every single wedding. But, of course, you don't need a theme – you can pick a variety of decorations that look nice together and match your colour palette.

    • The Colour theme.
    • Your shared interests. 
    • The Season of Your Wedding. 
    • Your Budget.
    • Take advantage of the Internet.
    • Read Wedding Magazines. 
    • Look back at Old Photos of you and your Partner.


    Whether minimalist or avant-garde, this wedding style is high on style. Modern weddings are sleek, sophisticated, and refined, typically using a monochromatic colour palette, on-trend florals or foliage, geometric lines, and pared-down décor.

    Every wedding is centred around a specific theme other than colour or a pattern that connects different aspects of that wedding. That theme is called, you guessed it, a wedding theme.

    Often a more formal celebration, a classic wedding frequently features beautiful green and white florals, refined colour schemes, plenty of clean lines, and sophisticated elegance. Translation: Total. Bridal. Bliss. There are plenty of ways to incorporate a classic wedding theme into your big day.

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