wedding honeymoon

Why is a wedding trip called a honeymoon?

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    You've worked tirelessly for months to plan the wedding of your dreams, and now it's finally time to kick back and enjoy the best vacation of your life. Hopefully, you have already begun making preparations for your honeymoon before you even finish making your wedding bouquet and selecting your wedding gown.

    The newlyweds' trip away together is frequently the highlight of their wedding experience. The idea of getting away from it all with your married partner on a romantic vacation is incredibly appealing. Nonetheless, have you ever pondered the origins of this custom?

    While the tradition may have begun in Victorian Britain, it was far from the relaxing pastime it has become today. However, the purpose of the trip, which the newlyweds took together, was to see loved ones who were unable to attend the wedding. The modern concept of a honeymoon didn't emerge until the latter half of the nineteenth century.

    There are a few competing theories as to the origin of the word "honeymoon," each painting a very different impression of the iconic trip. The first one has roots in a custom that date back to the fifth century. Mead, an alcoholic beverage made from honey, was traditionally shared between newlyweds after their honeymoon. Since the guests believed the mead's aphrodisiac properties would aid in conception, they generously presented it as a gift.

    The term "honeymoon" has numerous possible histories. The ancient Norse are sometimes credited with coining the term "honeymoon” sometime in the 1600s. Legend has it that they would shower newlyweds with a moon's worth of honey-wine or sweet mead.


    The blessing

    In order to secure the fertility of the gods, who would grant the couple children, specifically sons, the groom and bride drank mead. According to Norse mythology, Odin, the father among all gods, tend to drink mead as a baby, which is said to be the source of his extraordinary powers. Thus, it was thought to be a magical elixir, which the druids as well provided to the Celtic Vikings before they met the Romans in ancient Gaul.

    Babylon and Rome

    Over 3,000 years ago in Babylon, it was customary for the bride's father to provide the groom with honey beer for a full lunar cycle, or a month, after the wedding. This was thought to bring the newlyweds luck and fertility. When a Roman couple got married, the bride's mother would leave a honey jar in the bedroom for a month for similar reasons. Honey was considered a symbol of fertility and was applied to the bride as a "restorative" ointment to improve her health and appearance.

    On the full moon

    According to German mythology, in the middle ages weddings were usually held on full moon nights and couples drank honey liquor for thirty days after the marriage in order to receive good fortune, happiness and to produce offspring. This was essentially the couple's "honeymoon".

    Bride kidnapping

    Marriage by seize or abduction was a common practise in ancient times. It was common practise for the barbarians who lived on the outskirts of the Roman Empire to kidnap opponent slaves or young men and women from neighbouring villages, demand a ransom, and then marry them off.

    As a result of these kidnappings, a wedding party is thrown in honour of the kidnapper and his cohorts, one of whom is designated best man. During the wedding, the "best man" stood guard, ready to defend the groom and his party from the bride's relatives. When the bride and groom eventually went back to the place where the bride was raised, nobody questioned their marriage.

    English tradition

    The modern honeymoon tradition originated in Victorian upper-class England. The newlyweds used their honeymoon to meet extended family members who couldn't attend the ceremony. Both families forbade them to spend any alone time together prior to the wedding. That's when they moved together and planned to spend the first few weeks of their marriage becoming familiar with each other and adjusting to married life. A chance to spend some quality one-on-one time together had presented itself at last.

    In the twentieth century, this custom rapidly spread to other European nations. In the decades following the invention of television, when transportation improvements made it possible for many couples to take vacations outside their home country, many did just that. The trip the newlyweds took to see their extended family ended up being a honeymoon for the two of them.

    What Does Honeymoon Mean?

    In European culture, it was traditional to gift newlyweds with mead, a fermented alcoholic beverage made from honey and water that would last for at least a month. '

    It was thought that the term "moone” referred to the monthly cycle of a human being. Therefore the honeymoon was indeed the time right after the wedding when everything was supposed to be perfect. Also, it implies that not every month of marriage will be as blissful as the first. This is why the term "honeymoon period" gets so much play.

    How Long Does the Honeymoon Period Last?

    If wishes were true, the honeymoon period could last indefinitely. However, after the initial honeymoon period has passed and the reality of married life has set in, typically within the first few months.

    Your wedding day excitement was undoubtedly the pinnacle of your marriage, but just because you don't feel the same way about each other as you did on your big day does not mean your love has faded.

    It's only the beginning of your adventure as a couple. You'll become closer as a result of sharing memories of what brought you together in the first place.

    It's a common misconception that a honeymoon will unfold just like a scene out of a romantic comedy. Although incredible in its own right, it will also include many unexpected twists and turns that have been kept under wraps. What usually goes down on honeymoons is detailed below.

    You'll Grow Closer on This Trip.

    While it's true that any vacation spent making memories with your significant other will strengthen your relationship, there's something extra special about checking into your hotel for the initial time as a husband and wife or informing the waiter you're celebrating your 1st days as wife and husband. The first time on your honeymoon, you begin to fully appreciate the fact that you and your spouse have been married for quite some time and that you have known each other for quite some time.

    This doesn't mean that sex will be happening every day.

    When we asked brides how they knew something was wrong, one said that when her husband stopped wanting to have regular sexual encounters with her. I was worried when, four days into our honeymoon, my husband still hadn't jumped into bed with me; after all, isn't it expected that you'd have sex each day while on a honeymoon?

    No two couples are alike, so there's no "supposed to" say anything about how often they should or shouldn't have sexual encounters. However, recent studies show that 28 percent of couples have sexual encounters at least once every few days.

    About 12% said they had sex every day, 28% responded more than once a day, 6% said it happened only once, and 6% never had sex at all during the trip.

    It's possible that you'll start avoiding social media.

    Every once in a while, you should check in on your mobile and your various social media accts. Despite this, many married people agree to spend less time on social media and more time communicating with one another. What gives, then? Making time to be alone with one another is essential for a healthy relationship. (Another perk of staying off social media is that you won't see all the wedding pictures as well as comments that will be posted during your absence.)

    You're Going to Put On Some Hot Underwear

    Although you might have to dress for the weather and scenery during the day, whether you're in the snowy Rockies or on a tropical beach, at night you can put on your best dress and wow everyone. Bringing lingerie on a honeymoon is a great idea, and you and your honey will appreciate it. It's essential no matter your prefered aesthetics in terms of colour, cut, or style.

    Indulge Yourself

    Though many engaged couples adhere to rigors pre-wedding diet, exercise, or lifestyle routines, the honeymoon is traditionally seen as a time to relax and enjoy one another's company. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page about what constitutes indulgence. Have fun and take it easy for as long as possible, whether that means indulging in a spa day or just kicking back with some adult beverages and sweets.

    You Might See the Sun Rise

    Whereas at home sunrise and sunset are simply signs of a new day, when on vacation they become magical occasions. Taking in both can be exhausting, but it's worth it if you can. Get up early one morning and go watch the sunrise from a scenic location. (You know, for the coffee and all.) If you and your new wife aren't morning people, there's always the option of a romantic evening of wine and sunset watching.

    You're going to take a plethora of photographs.

    Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words; however, we believe that the pictures you took of your honeymoon and wedding are priceless. Even as you snap away, don't forget to stop and soak up the experience. The best way to remember your incredible journey is to look back on the pictures you took and the scrapbook or photo album you put them in for years to come.

    It's Possible That Your Honeymoon Won't Live Up to Your Dreams

    You've given this trip a lot of thought, so in your head, it's perfect in every way. In order to make sure the flight lives up to your expectations, it's a good idea to have a conversation about them before you take off. A discussion about everything from sex to how much you'll crave can help you formulate the "best plan for a brilliantly positive and reaching honeymoon experience."

    You Could Relax in Your Hotel Room

    The question is: what do newlyweds do on their honeymoons? It can be very little at times. We spoke to a bride who told us she and her new husband booked a flight to Cancun expecting an action-packed honeymoon, only to spend their entire trip in bed. My evenings were spent reading and watching movies, while his were spent playing video games. It may sound dull, but we both needed some downtime.

    It's not enough to just need a day (or more) to unwind; you also need time to process the profound life shift with your loved one.

    Catholic tradition

    The Vatican approved of this custom because honey, which does not spoil and actually improves with age, is a fitting symbol of a happy Christian marriage. Honey has multiple meanings for Catholics, including sweetness, eternal love, and a good omen.

    Maybe you'll appreciate your honeymoon more now that you have a better understanding of its origins, despite the fact that its history was rocky and difficult. Now is the time to plan for your honeymoon, from the clothes you'll bring to the precautions you'll take to the exciting things you'll do or the places you'll visit.


    The origins of the word "honeymoon" are open to interpretation. Once the newlyweds returned from their honeymoon, they would traditionally toast with mead, an alcoholic beverage made from honey. Odin, the father of the Norse gods, was a fan of mead even when he was a young child, mythology says. Honey was traditionally given to the groom by the bride's father for a full lunar cycle (roughly one month) following the wedding in ancient Babylon. A honeymoon was a time for newlyweds in Victorian England to visit with relatives who were unable to make it to the wedding.

    It was common practise in European culture to present newlyweds with mead, a fermented alcoholic beverage made from honey and water that would keep for at least a month. Remembering the events that brought you together will strengthen your bond with one another. Researchers have found that 28% of married couples engage in sexual activity at least once every few days. In order to maintain a strong bond, couples need to schedule regular alone time. You and your honey should bring lingerie on your honeymoon because it will be greatly appreciated.

    There is always the chance that your honeymoon will fall short of your expectations. Talk about anything and everything from sex to your cravings. It's possible to do nothing at all during a honeymoon, from lounging in a hotel room to flying to Cancun and spending the whole time in bed.

    Content Summary

    • The newlyweds' trip away together is frequently the highlight of their wedding experience.
    • Nonetheless, have you ever pondered the origins of this custom?While the tradition may have begun in Victorian Britain, it was far from the relaxing pastime it has become today.
    • However, the purpose of the trip, which the newlyweds took together, was to see loved ones who were unable to attend the wedding.
    • The modern concept of a honeymoon didn't emerge until the latter half of the nineteenth century.
    • There are a few competing theories as to the origin of the word "honeymoon," each painting a very different impression of the iconic trip.
    • Over 3,000 years ago in Babylon, it was customary for the bride's father to provide the groom with honey beer for a full lunar cycle, or a month, after the wedding.
    • However, after the initial honeymoon period has passed and the reality of married life has set in, typically within the first few months.
    • It's only the beginning of your adventure as a couple.
    • The first time on your honeymoon, you begin to fully appreciate the fact that you and your spouse have been married for quite some time and that you have known each other for quite some time.
    • However, recent studies show that 28 percent of couples have sexual encounters at least once every few days.
    • It's possible that you'll start avoiding social media.
    • Despite this, many married people agree to spend less time on social media and more time communicating with one another.
    • Bringing lingerie on a honeymoon is a great idea, and you and your honey will appreciate it.
    • Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words; however, we believe that the pictures you took of your honeymoon and wedding are priceless.
    • In order to make sure the flight lives up to your expectations, it's a good idea to have a conversation about them before you take off.
    • It's not enough to just need a day (or more) to unwind; you also need time to process the profound life shift with your loved one.
    • Now is the time to plan for your honeymoon, from the clothes you'll bring to the precautions you'll take to the exciting things you'll do or the places you'll visit.

    FAQs About Honeymoon

    Honeymoon in this case alludes to the celebratory trip or period of time after a marriage. ... Immediately after the episode aired, one person defined honeymoon handshake on Urban Dictionary as when a couple stimulates each other manually on their wedding night because they are too tired from the day for intercourse.

    “The tradition of the father walking the bride down the aisle has evolved from what it was to it being a gesture of uniting families and showing love and respect for the new marriage.” There are now many variations: Brides can still opt to walk down the aisle with their father, or they can have both parents join them.

    Jumping the broom is a traditional act performed at some Black weddings. After vows are exchanged, the newlyweds hold hands and jump over a broom to seal the union. ... In Pagan ceremonies, it is said that the broom handle represents the male phallus and the bristles represent female energy.

    A honeymoon provides your first memorable moments as a couple. It sets the stage for how a couple treats each other and prepares the path to marital bliss. Not to mention some great honeymoon memories that will help keep the spark alive while reminiscing.

    Between 7 and 9 days
    Many couples go on a honeymoon a day after the wedding, and many go a few months later on the wedding day because it is much cheaper. In 2021 the average honeymoon lasted between 7 and 9 days. If the couples travel overseas, they add two more days on the week of the honeymoon.

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