Wedding Planning

What Should You Not Forget on Your Wedding Day?

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    You have spent countless hours, months, or even years preparing for this moment. You have a clear idea of what you want for your wedding day, but are you aware of the essentials?

    You probably already know that you'll have a lot of stuff to bring to the wedding because you have giant plastic bins of decorations and a long shopping list.

    Even though you should take care not to forget anything, there are some things that simply must not be left behind. We've compiled a list of must-haves for the wedding day.

    Have everything you need for the ceremony on hand by making sure you've checked it off this list before you leave. Need help planning your wedding? Check out our list of Wedding Event Planners here.


    Within the Next Two Weeks

    Examine all contracts with suppliers thoroughly. Although you are prepared to handle the contracts, it wouldn't hurt to review them again. Verify all details, from the time and place to the length of time needed for setup and breakdown. Make sure that when your venue closes, so do your suppliers.

    Finish up the money transfers.

    Final thing you need on one of the most important days of your life is financial anxiety. Take care of it in advance and you won't have to carry around a chequebook. It probably doesn't match the rest of the jewellery you have on your dress after all.

    Discussing monetary matters... Make envelopes for tips.

    You can avoid digging through your wallet to find spare change for the DJ, the caterers, and anyone else who might need a tip if you have these items ready in advance. A perfect job for a secretary or other personal assistant.

    Legalization of the union!

    In some places, like New York, you can walk in and get consent without making an appointment. Can you identify yours without any confusion? How far in advance can I place an order, and how long will it be good without signatures? Finding out in advance when you can get your wedding paperwork is crucial.

    Do you plan on ordering anything special?

    What, you want a cool glass of lemonade with some cucumbers in it? Make sure the bartenders don't waste time searching for ingredients or trying to remember the steps by writing down the recipe (at least twice) and providing them with note cards.

    You and your future hubby have your favourite and least favourite songs.

    Collaborate with your partygoers to create a "Must Not Music" list for the DJ by firing up YouTube. Please forwards this message to them as shortly as possible so that they can create a playlist for your evening of dancing.

    It's now also time to talk to your photographer.

    Once you've given them a list of must-have photos, you can sit back and enjoy the reception knowing that all of your closest family and friends were captured, along with plenty of candid moments.

    Schedule the morning's activities.

    To avoid feeling like a guinea pig in a cage, it's important to establish routines for yourself and your helpers. In general, things run more smoothly when a specific objective and time frame are established. (Build some wiggle room into your agenda.)

    Take a look at the paper copies you have.

    Worse yet, picture finding out your title was misspelt in the programme minutes before you were to walk down the aisle . If you want to avoid the last-minute stress of realising you need to frantically order more table numbers, place cards, menus, or programmes, check them as they arrive.

    Preparing presents for loved ones.

    This may seem like a minor point, but it demonstrates a great deal of consideration. The size of the action is less important than the intention behind it.

    Show your guests some love by telling them how much you appreciate their visit.

    Coordinate rides for the newlyweds back to their respective homes.

    You intend for everyone to have a fantastic time all evening long. Please make sure they feel safe and secure enough to drink alcohol, enjoy the music, and dance the night away without worrying about their safety when they return to their lodgings or homes.

    Put together a meal plan!

    Get some rest and eat a snack before the event starts.

    Plan ahead for the group's meal by calling ahead and placing an order for the appropriate number of people. If you work really hard, you might even be capable of accomplishing this on the day you place your order.

    Get the whole bridal party together for a quick dress rehearsal.

    Double-check that everything is the right size and colour.

    This can be challenging if your group is geographically dispersed, but a quick phone call, picture, or FaceTime session can go a long way towards easing your mind.

    Remember to ask about extras if you've given them a lot of leeway.

    You shouldn't rely solely on your servants and male companions to check your attire.

    Make sure the dress fits right by trying it on (with a girl's help, of course).

    Make sure your jewellery and other accessories complement the dress by trying them on as well. You should also suggest this quick check to your man.

    A bridesmaid who is experienced with bustling dresses is a good choice for practise. We recommend taking her to the dress fitting as a learning experience, as they can be challenging.

    Schedule enough time to do your hair, makeup, nails, etc.

    Hopefully, these meetings have already been scheduled; however, you should call a week in advance to confirm the times and dates.

    Put some time aside for some quiet reflection or girl talk; the wedding can wait.

    Spend the day doing something you enjoy, whether that be reading, lounging on the beach, staying in bed, or catching up with friends over a drink at happy hour. This action is necessary for your own sanity.

    Gentlemen, don't put off getting a haircut until the last minute.

    Everyone knows that real life rarely resembles the glossy pages of a fashion magazine. Plan ahead so that you don't look like you just got out of the barbershop by getting your hair cut and shaving.

    It's not uncommon for footwear to cause discomfort. Get used to yours by walking around in them.

    Do you mean what you say when you say "I do"? Start drafting and practising immediately. Emotions run high (at least for me) at weddings, but if you practise your speech beforehand, you'll be able to express yourself more clearly and make a stronger connection with your audience.

    Indeed, the same holds true for any and all addresses.

    During the course of the reception, the bride and groom will typically give a brief speech expressing their appreciation to those who have come to celebrate their special day.

    Have a game plan before you start talking so you don't stutter on your words as you stumble over your thoughts. It's also important to include your future spouse in these talks.

    Although reading your vows to each other in advance may help calm your nerves, you should make sure they all sound the same.

    What sort of mood are you hoping to set? Find a common emotional ground and some shared objectives.

    Those kisses need work!

    Would you agree that it's a little strange? Your parents, grandparents, and in-laws will all be present to witness your first kiss as husband and wife. I think we've exhausted the topic at this point.

    Adhering to custom?

    For the wedding, it's customary to include "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue."

    Put your most important people in charge of certain projects.

    Do-it-yourselfers may find it challenging to delegate, but doing so can pay off in the long run. Avoid adding unnecessary pressure on yourself and others by soliciting help in advance.

    Do you plan on making a quick getaway to the honeymoon after the wedding? The time to pack has come.

    You can recover from the night of dancing at the reception, write your thank-you notes, and spend more quality time with out-of-town family members if you schedule the ceremony a few days earlier than planned.

    Wedding Planning

    Previous Day

    Neither of you should be lugging around your overnight bags on your wedding day.

    Have a friend or family member bring your bags in the morning, or leave them the night before. If you need anything else for the reception area, that's no problem either. Please deliver them early so that I don't have to worry about them.

    How about pets?

    Make sure they have a good time and are cared for during the wedding!

    The carrying of gowns.

    This is the process by which your dress was brought to the scene. If anyone is bringing it, who is it? I recommend bringing it in today so you can unload and relax tonight instead of having to deal with it first thing in the morning.

    Distribute the driver's contact information to the wedding party in the limo or party bus.

    Provide your driver with a printed map and the contact details for the maid of honour and the best man. These extra measures, coupled with a strict adherence to the plan, should ensure that you arrive at your destination on time.

    Appoint guardians for your presents.

    Request a friend, family member, or ally to pick up your presents on your behalf. This could be a bridesmaid, groomsman, personal assistant, or another close friend. A lot of people are having their gifts shipped directly to the happy couple's house, but you should still have someone there to help load them up after the reception.

    Get a reliable pal to handle your legal paperwork.

    It's easy to lose track of small items when you're running around like a crazy person all day.

    Make sure you have a "Big Day Emergency Kit"

    Putting together one of these will relieve you of the anxiety of worrying about the unknowns in wedding preparation. There's no harm in being overly prepared, even if it's unlikely you'll use everything in the kit.

    To pass the time as you get ready, are you and your fiance writing each other love letters?

    The answer is yes. It's immeasurable in value, to put it plainly. However you feel about it, this is not something that can be put off until the last minute. You don't have to spend days writing a note, but you should give yourself enough time to really put some thought into it so that your future spouse can appreciate it.

    Prepare a special time for the two of you to share together before the big event.

    You can't go anywhere alone, not even to the restroom;

    You and your husband might benefit from some private time away from friends, family, and the media.

    You'll be pumped full of adrenaline, but getting enough sleep is still important.

    After all, no one likes being constantly confronted by a photo of their tired eyes.

    If you want to get a good night's sleep on your last night as a single person, you should start winding down early the night before.

    Too busy with life to really plan your wedding in detail? Have someone else do it for you and check out our list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help take the stress away.


    The Big Day!

    Getting Ready

    Perfect Timing

    The most common wedding day blunder is arriving late to the ceremony.

    Planning your wedding with plenty of time to get ready ahead of time will help keep nerves at bay for everyone involved.

    Then, on the morning of the wedding, you can kick back with a glass of champagne and celebrate in style.

    Keep Organised

    You can easily make a mess of your dressing room by lugging in armfuls of shoes, bags, and beauty products, not to mention suits and dresses.

    Loss of items is a common cause of wedding day hiccups, so do your best to keep things organised and neat.


    Wedding Bands

    In terms of wedding day blunders, this one takes the cake.

    Make sure the best man or ring bearer has both rings before the ceremony begins.

    Engagement Ring

    You should definitely remember to shift it! If you switch your engagement ring to your other hand, you'll be able to slip your wedding band on without anyone noticing.

    After you take those memorable photographs, simply slide your engagement ring back across your finger.


    Even if you're certain you won't shed a tear, someone else probably will.

    To quickly wipe away those tears of joy, you should be ready for anything. Tissues should be part of your last-minute wedding preparations.

    Spf-Free Makeup

    You don't want to look too good in your wedding photos, but if they do, you might start to regret some of your decisions.

    Using products with sun protection factor (SPF) can make your skin look too pale in photos, so it's best to avoid using them on your wedding day.


    Do you plan to go completely offline, or would you like to solicit guests' input at certain junctures?

    Before the ceremony begins, tell the ushers what you want said.

    Cue Cards

    Giving a reading at a ceremony can bring on feelings of both pressure and pride. You should use cue cards or prompts to make sure they say everything exactly how it's supposed to be said.


    Make sure your phone or iPod is fully charged if you plan to use it to play music during the ceremony. Also helpful is a battery pack as a backup.

    You don't want to look back on your wedding day and think, "I wish I hadn't walked down the aisle in silence."


    Contrary to popular belief, one of the most common wedding day blunders is forgetting to bring enough money to cover the costs.

    Once the ceremony is over, you can go ahead and get your marriage licence. If you forget, it's not impossible to complete this task later, but it will be more expensive.

    At the Reception

    Try the Canapés

    Many newlyweds tell us they were too busy mingling and taking photos with guests to eat their canapés after the ceremony.

    After much deliberation, you've settled on these delectable morsels; plan your wedding day schedule accordingly so that you can savour each one.

    Bustle Your Train

    You don't want your train to get caught on the dance floor whether you've opted for a cathedral- or chapel-length style.

    If you want to look good and feel comfortable in your dress at the party, learn how to bustle your train (your local boutique will show you how).

    To Host or Not to Host

    Despite the decline in popularity of the receiving line, many couples will still want to greet all of their guests on their wedding day.

    Plan ahead of time how you'll handle this, whether by mingling during the drinks reception or the more conventional route, so that you don't spend the entire day hosting rather than celebrating.

    Take a Moment for Two

    It's easy to let the day fly by without spending much quality time with your spouse amidst all the hubbub of your wedding.

    Get away for a little while at least once as a couple. Spend some quality time together in close quarters, away from the noise and bustle of the world, and reflect on the day's romantic events. Do it, and you'll be very happy you did.

    Enjoy It!

    Wedding Planning

    There is a great deal happening and being asked of you on your wedding day.

    Don't let them rule the day of your wedding or you might end up regretting it. If you just try to have fun, everything else will fall into place.

    Post Thank You Notes

    Even after the vows are exchanged, the wedding day can still have hiccups. Thank everyone who came to celebrate with you and who gave you a gift or card.

    Preserve Your Day

    Keep your wedding dress preserved by having it dry cleaned and stored in a box, and preserve your bouquet by drying it.

    When time is of the essence, like when you're preserving your flowers for the ceremony, these are important to keep in mind.

    Things Not to Forget on Your Wedding Day

    Every future bride is aware that there are a lot of details and tasks involved in organising a wedding. It's easy to get overwhelmed trying to keep track of everything you need for the big day.

    We've compiled a list of 5 essentials for the big day to take some of the pressure off of you. We have everything you need, and even some you hadn't even considered.

    Food and Water

    First and foremost, don't overlook providing some refreshments!

    Unfortunately, many future Mrs. Whether you're taking photos in the hot sun before or after the ceremony, you'll want to have some snacks and drinks on hand.

    In order to enjoy the day without feeling dizzy, getting a headache, or fainting, it is crucial to maintain a healthy level of hydration and nutrition.

    Bring plenty of fluids and simple foods like sandwiches, granola bars, fruit, and chocolate bars.

    Just-In-Case Kit

    Then, get ready for, well, an emergency by putting together an emergency kit. These issues may not be life-or-death critical in the grand scheme of things, but to a bride, they can feel like a major catastrophe.

    Get a list together of all your suppliers with their contact details in case you need to get in touch with a missing supplier.

    If you're not employing a wedding planner or a day-of coordinator, this is a must-have. Make multiple copies; give one to your mother, sister, maid of honour, and anyone else who will be assisting you that day.

    When you're trying to get ready, etc., the last thing you need is for everything to fall on your lap. If it's more convenient, you and your trusted people can keep the list digitally.

    Overnight Bag

    Post-wedding night, you probably won't be returning home.

    You'll need an overnight bag whether you're checking into a hotel first or jetting off to your honeymoon destination right away.

    Don't forget to bring your essential toiletries, pyjamas, underwear, and a first-day-of-wife-hood outfit.

    Designating a Gift Transporter

    Having a plan B is essential if you are not using a wedding planner.

    Someone needs to be in charge of transporting all the cards, presents, and decorations from the venue to your home.

    Your bridal party will likely be preoccupied with other duties during the reception, so you may want to enlist the assistance of a mother or other close relative.

    These are not things you want to forget on your big day. Keep this list safe and refer back to it in the days and weeks leading up to the wedding. Looking for a Wedding Event Planner? Look no further, Cosmopolitan events have you covered.


    We have made a list of the most important things to have on the big day. Ensure all supplier contracts are reviewed and details are verified. The DJ, caterers, and anyone else who might need a tip should all have their own envelope. The timing of receiving your wedding paperwork is something you should investigate in advance. You don't have to feel like a guinea pig in a cage during this experiment; here's how to make that happen.

    If you want to practise your bustle, choose a bridesmaid who has done it before. Try on your jewellery and other accessories to make sure they look good with the dress. Make sure you know what you want to say before you start speaking. Some people who like to do things themselves may find it difficult to delegate, but doing so can pay off in the end. Do not burden yourself any further than necessary; instead, ask for assistance in advance.

    Make arrangements for the care of your pets and wedding gifts in advance. Even if it's unlikely that you'll need everything in the kit, it's better to be safe than sorry by being overly prepared. Arriving late to the ceremony is the single biggest faux pas people make on their wedding day. If you give yourself plenty of time to plan your wedding, you won't have to worry as much. Include tissues in your last-minute wedding preparations.

    If you want to play music during the ceremony, make sure your phone or iPod is charged. Learn how to bustle your dress's train for the party and you'll be ready to go in style and comfort. Every minute counts, but it's easy to let the day slip by without making any real efforts to connect with your partner. Try to relax and enjoy yourself, and everything else will work out. In an effort to alleviate some of your stress, we have compiled a list of the top 5 must-haves for the big day.

    Maintaining an appropriate level of hydration and nutrition is essential. Collaboratively compile a list of your vendors' contact information. Hire a gift-truck driver if you don't want to hire a wedding planner. Don't leave home without your wedding day makeup and grooming kit.

    Content Summary

    • You have a clear idea of what you want for your wedding day, but are you aware of the essentials?You probably already know that you'll have a lot of stuff to bring to the wedding because you have giant plastic bins of decorations and a long shopping list.
    • We've compiled a list of must-haves for the wedding day.
    • Finding out in advance when you can get your wedding paperwork is crucial.
    • It's now also time to talk to your photographer.
    • Get the whole bridal party together for a quick dress rehearsal.
    • Schedule enough time to do your hair, makeup, nails, etc.
    • Appoint guardians for your presents.
    • Prepare a special time for the two of you to share together before the big event.
    • Planning your wedding with plenty of time to get ready ahead of time will help keep nerves at bay for everyone involved.
    • Once the ceremony is over, you can go ahead and get your marriage licence.
    • Get away for a little while at least once as a couple.
    • Spend some quality time together in close quarters, away from the noise and bustle of the world, and reflect on the day's romantic events.
    • It's easy to get overwhelmed trying to keep track of everything you need for the big day.
    • Then, get ready for, well, an emergency by putting together an emergency kit.
    • Get a list together of all your suppliers with their contact details in case you need to get in touch with a missing supplier.

    FAQs About Wedding Day

    The tradition is based on an Old English rhyme that dates back to 19th-century Lancashire. It describes the items a bride should have on her wedding day: "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, a sixpence in your shoe."

    To avoid this, it's perfectly fine to add a note to invites or a sign outside that asks guests to please let the photographer take pictures and keep their phones put away during the ceremony. It's also ok to ask guests to wait before posting any photos on social media.

    When it comes to your wedding ceremony, a first kiss is traditionally expected once you've said "I do"—but that doesn't mean you can't shake things up. Looking for a way to commemorate your newlywed status beyond a kiss? ... Here are some sweet ways to celebrate and symbolize this momentous occasion beyond a first kiss.

    As a rule of thumb, wedding ceremonies typically last 30 minutes to an hour—although short and sweet wedding programs are okay, too—and most wedding receptions usually last four to five hours.

    A wedding ceremony's prime function is to provide the bride and groom an opportunity to make promises to each other. Those promises form the basis of their marriage and give the officiating clergy the right to pronounce them man and wife.

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