What do seven steps in Hindu wedding mean?

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    In India, marriage is viewed as a spiritual union between two people. Marriage in India is considered to be a union of two families as well as two individuals. When two people tie the knot, their families come together to form a new, larger family unit. There are a plethora of modern-day matrimony sites where you can look for a suitable spouse for your kid, sibling, or pal.

    Hindus believe that marriages are arranged in heaven and that the union of two souls is permanent, lasting seven lives. The bride and groom make seven commitments to one another in exchange for a lifetime of love and happiness. They have an invisible relationship that these reassuring words protect. It's fair to say that the Seven Vows sum up the core principles that the Bride and Groom should uphold in their marriage.


    Mangal pheras, or circumambulation of the sacred fire, is performed in tandem with the seven vows. Any attempts to rescind a marriage after the fact are deemed invalid in Hindu law. On the day of the wedding, During this time, the bride and groom will sit under the Mandap.

    Along with the regular house puja performed by the priest/Pandit, the Sacred Fire is lit. The next step is to rise up and take seven 'Pheras' around the sacred fire, with each 'Phera' accompanied by a different promise. Before the pheras, the bride sits to the left of the groom, and afterwards, she moves to the right. In addition to the seven pheras, the seven vows are the most significant part of a Hindu wedding since they sanctify the marriage and gain the couple societal acceptance.

    Matrimony, as a notion, is universal. I believe that the Hindu marriage follows numerous rites and customs in order to solemnise the marriage, but I acknowledge that cultural, ritual, and traditional practises vary widely from region to region.

    The seven promises made by the bride and groom as they take Saat Pheras around the sacred fire are among the most significant of the many rituals and traditions associated with a Hindu wedding. By performing the Saat Phere, the couple hopes to gain the protection of God and the sustaining warmth of the flames for a continued life together across seven rebirths.

    Religious Background

    Indian Wedding

    Once a marriage is solemnised in Hinduism, the couple's souls are said to remain united for the next seven incarnations. The bride and groom make seven commitments to each other in exchange for a lifetime of love and happiness. They have an invisible relationship that these reassuring words protect. Without exaggeration, the seven vows encapsulate the heart of a perfect marriage that the bride and groom must live out.

    The Origin of Saath Pheras

    Hindu marriages, as told to us by our parents and teachers, have deep roots in India's rich cultural history. The Shaptapadi or Saath Pheras is one of the traditional ceremonies during a wedding In this ceremony, the husband and wife walk seven times around a fire while a Pandit chants sacred Hindu scriptures. It is believed that the presence of the God Agni seals the marriage and links the couple together through the seven vows spoken by bride and groom in front of the sacred fire.

    The seven vows are written in Sanskrit, however only four are spoken by the groom and the remaining three by the bride. Saath Pheras is an integral part of Hindu wedding ceremonies, and a marriage is not considered official unless it is performed. It also represents the eternal bond of friendship that will hold the couple united throughout their seven lifetimes together. Numerous regional and cultural variants of this significant custom exist, with some recognising only three or four Pheras rather than seven. Still, it is a crucial step in any Hindu marriage and a prerequisite for a happy future together.

    The Ritual of Saath Pheras

    Walking around the sacred fire, or Mangal pheras, is conducted alongside the seven vows, or Saptapadi. If these vows are not taken, a Hindu marriage cannot be considered valid. On the day of the wedding, A sacred canopy called a Mandap is where the bride and groom sit for this ceremony. A Home puja is performed, during which the priests traditionally kindle the sacred fire. The priest ties a sacred knot in the corners of the bride's saree and the groom's Uttariya. They are then instructed to stand and do seven 'Pheras,' or circumambulations, around the sacred fire, during which they are to utter a different promise at each Phera. Before the Pheras, the bride sits to the left of the husband, and afterwards, she moves to the right. Most Hindus will take the Seven Vows and the Seven Pheras at some point in their lives Wedding as it sanctifies the union and affords social acceptability of the marriage as legal. Evidence of this can be seen in the notion that just seven pheras, or vows, are exchanged at a love marriage held in the temple, with only the holy priests and God as witnesses.

    The Seven Vows

    Bride and groom take turns repeating the mantras of the Seven Vows as they are chanted by the family priests. I wonder if they have a firm grasp on the Seven Vows they have taken on their behalf. Unfortunately, I don't think many of them have a firm grasp on the meaning of their vows and will actually live up to them. The vast majority of happy couples blindly repeat Pandit's chants.

    The foundations of a happy and caring existence, in which each partner treats the other's responsibilities as if they were their own, are laid out in these sacred vows, and adhering to them religiously increases the likelihood that a married couple will live a life free of resentment and bitterness. As you travel the road of life together, your combined spirits may make a profound difference in both of your experiences.

    The seven sacred vows are found in the Vedic writings, which have been set apart as holy vows in order to unite the husband and wife in mutual respect and affection.


    Let us take the first step towards a life of dignity and reverence with God as our leader. Let's go on a food-gathering stroll together.

    The marriage vows state that the groom shall provide for his bride and their offspring in terms of material needs.

    The bride promises that she would help out around the house and raise the children together with her husband.


    Let's smile and laugh and take pleasure in this existence. Let's take this journey together, so that our strength may increase.

    The groom promises his bride that he would always love and support her no matter what challenges they face together. He will be there to provide emotional, physical, and monetary support to her and her loved ones.

    The bride promises that she is fully prepared to share in the burden of caring for her husband and will stand by him through thick and thin.


    Indian Wedding

    Let us feel each other's anguish and celebrate one other's triumphs. Let's go in the same direction, so that we can both prosper.

    The groom promises the bride that he will provide for her and their children through his hard work and dedication.

    The bride promises her husband that she would be financially responsible, give her undivided affection to him, and put him ahead of any other males in her life. Sincerity and virginity are lifelong virtues she will never abandon.


    We must not ignore our nation's ageing population. Let's take this path together, sharing triumphs and tribulations as we go.

    The groom expresses gratitude to the bride for making his life more lovely and complete via marriage and promises to honour his new in-laws. He will listen to her preferences and consult her on all significant matters.

    The bride promises that she will support her husband in his roles as head of the family and in his religious and cultural observances. She promises to take his input into account whenever possible and adhere to whatever he decides. She will put herself in harm's path to protect him, and if necessary, she will lay down her life to save him.


    Let us be mindful of every act of kindness. Let's take this trek as a family.

    Together, through joy and grief, the pair promises to stand with one other forever. They hope God will grant them healthy children, and they'll do their best to raise those kids with good morals and lots of love.


    May we enjoy a long, healthy life together. Let's take a stroll together and be happy.

    This pair promises to always treat each other with the utmost kindness and respect, no matter the circumstances. They ask God to provide them strength and longevity so that they might fulfil their mutual obligations to one another.


    Let's be friends who put in the work to make each other happy. Let's take a stroll together, and develop a friendship in the process.

    Together, the pair takes the Sacred Seven Vows, a ritual that symbolises their spiritual union as husband and wife. They have a heavenly bond that will keep them loving and supporting one other for all of time and space. They'll be inseparable, walking through life together as terrific companions who respect and adore one another no matter what. During the wedding ceremony, the couple makes seven promises to each other that they intend to keep at all costs.


    Indian Wedding

    The core of any wedding ceremony is the exchange of vows between the couple. The pair speaks these words to express their future plans and commitments to each other for the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. The vows outline the standard rules for maintaining a happy marriage. Consequently, they encompass very much everything, from responsibilities to promises to prioritise one another's joy. They commit to working as a team to provide for and care for their future children as a married couple. It's a pledge to approach marriage on equal footing, as friends, rather than according to rigidly prescribed roles. Every culture's wedding vows aim for the same things: a lifetime of commitment, love, and mutual respect. This is true not just during a Vedic Hindu wedding ceremony but also any other. These promises are meant to symbolise the couple's commitment to be together through good times and bad, all the way up till death does them part.

    Every marriage follows the tradition of exchanging wedding vows, and in India, these vows consist of seven promises of love made by the bride and groom on their special day.

    The separate vows were written centuries ago, but their core principles are timeless. When two people engage into a marriage, they develop a pure link of love, understanding, and caring based on equality.

    To bring love, peace, and harmony into their lives, all would-be husbands and wives should read these hallowed seven vows and attempt to embrace in their daily lives when they merge as a pair.

    As a reflection of Hinduism's abundance, weddings are a spectacular event to which guests are encouraged to dress to impress, you need to be part of a wedding in India. Some of the rituals associated with a Hindu wedding are universally practiced, while others are only observed in certain parts of the world. Since marriage is meant to last a lifetime, it's crucial to make choices that will make both partners happy.



    The Hindu belief that a couple's souls are joined for all of their seven lives after their wedding day. In exchange for a lifetime of love and happiness, the bride and groom make seven vows to each other. While the institution of marriage is shared throughout, cultural practises vary considerably. The Hindu wedding ceremony would not be complete without the Saath Pheras. In exchange for a lifetime of love, the bride and groom make seven promises to each other during the wedding ceremony.

    It is widely held that having the god Agni present at a wedding acts as a seal, binding the couple together in the presence of their witnesses and vows. Mangal pheras, or circumambulation of the sacred fire, is performed in conjunction with the seven vows (Saptapadi). A Hindu marriage is not valid unless these vows are taken. The vast majority of Hindus will, at some time in their lives, take the Seven Vows and the Seven Pheras. The bride guarantees her husband that she will take care of their finances, devote her full attention to him, and prioritise him over all other men.

    To the extent that God blesses them with children, they intend to provide a nurturing environment and instil strong values in their offspring. Every wedding should centre on the recitation of the Sacred Seven Vows. The marriage vows lay forth the typical expectations for a successful union. Seven vows are exchanged during the ceremony, all of which the pair pledges to keep no matter what. With God's help, they hope to live long enough to fulfil their duties to one another.

    At Hindu weddings, visitors are expected to look their best. A typical set of wedding vows for a bride and groom in India includes seven promises of love between them. While many of the customs surrounding a Hindu wedding are observed worldwide, some are localised.

    Content Summary

    • Accompanying the seven vows is the ritual of mangal pheras, or walking around the sacred fire.
    • Among the many traditions and rituals involved with a Hindu wedding, the seven vows made by the bride and groom when they take Saat Pheras around the sacred fire are among the most important.
    • In exchange for a lifetime of love and happiness, the couple makes seven vows to each other at the wedding ceremony.
    • It would be an exaggeration to say that the seven vows don't capture the essence of an ideal marriage that the bride and groom must uphold.
    • Four of the Sanskrit vows are said by the groom and three by the bride.
    • If a Hindu wedding doesn't include the Saath Pheras ritual, it's not regarded a legitimate union.
    • Still, it's a necessary part of any Hindu marriage and the first step towards a long and happy life together.
    • Mangal pheras, or circumambulation of the sacred fire, is performed in conjunction with the seven vows (Saptapadi).
    • A Hindu marriage is not valid unless these vows are taken.
    • In Hinduism, a marriage is not considered valid until the bride and groom have taken the Seven Vows and the Seven Pheras, which symbolise the sanctification of the marriage and its acceptance by society.
    • The seven sacred vows, which may be found in Vedic texts, are intended to cement the marital relationship on a foundation of mutual love and devotion.
    • The groom guarantees the bride that he would work tirelessly to provide for her and their offspring.
    • Come on, the whole gang, let's make this trip together.
    • This couple pledges to treat each other with the utmost compassion and respect at all times and in all situations.
    • Seven vows are exchanged between the bride and groom during the wedding ceremony, each of which is taken very seriously.
    • Vows are the central part of each wedding ceremony.
    • With these words, the couple pledges their undying love and devotion to one another for the rest of their life as husband and wife.
    • The marriage vows lay forth the typical expectations for a successful union.
    • They've decided to raise their kids as a unit, and they're both committing to doing their part.
    • It is a promise to enter marriage as equals and as friends, rather than with predetermined roles for each partner.
    • All cultures' traditional wedding vows share the same universal goals: a partnership based on undying love, esteem, and devotion.
    • During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom make seven promises to one another of their love for one another.
    • Participating in a Hindu wedding in India is a once-in-a-lifetime experience since it is a stunning ceremony at which guests are expected to dress to impress, a symbol of the Hindu faith's richness.

    FAQs About Hindu Wedding

    The Saat Phere (Seven circles) around the sacred fire (yagya) of Hindu Wedding Rituals as Explained by Mathematics... Each circle consists of 360°. The only number from 1 to 9 which cannot divide 360 is 7. So the Bride and Groom go round the Fire 7 Times Ensuring that Nothing Can Divide Their Relationship

    Hindu wedding rituals: During Saath Phere, the bride and the groom, circumambulate (walk around) the sacred fire seven times as they exchange their marital vows. ... This is because the bride and the groom exchange marital vows and collectively pray for a blissful married life.

    According to ancient Hindu scriptures, there's a kind of marriage where the girl selects her own husband. They meet each other of their own accord, consensually agree to live together, and their relationship is consummated in copulation born of passion. Which means, if two people liked each other, they banged. Awwyeah!

    The Saptapadi (the seven steps) is the most important Hindu wedding tradition. After tying the Mangalsutra, the newlywed couple takes seven steps around the holy fire. Once completed, the couple legally becomes husband and wife.

    A typical Indian wedding timeline stretches about three days. The Hindu wedding ceremony, which takes place on the third day, usually lasts between one-and-a-half to two hours and is then followed by the reception. The whole day clocks around 16 hours.

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