Wedding Invitation Ideas

Do you put RSVP on wedding invitations?

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    Your wedding day can be as conventional or unconventional as you like, but there are some guidelines you should follow while sending out invitations and collecting responses. An accurate headcount is necessary for creating the food, seating chart, place cards, and other wedding elements in addition to informing attendees of the event's significance.

    Send out invitations between 6 and 8 weeks before the wedding. Your invitees should be able to free up enough time and money to plan their trips and attend your event if given this much notice. Sending out invites three months ahead of time will give guests plenty of notice to make travel arrangements for a destination wedding.

    She feels strongly about informing others about correct RSVP etiquette because so many people are unaware of it. Guest and host etiquette for responding to invitations is crucial to completing the guest list and moving the wedding planning process forwards.

    Invite to the wedding with a rustic feel. It's important to follow protocol while sending a wedding answer card. A timely response to an RSVP card for a wedding helps the couple finalise the guest list and, in some cases, the menu for the celebration.

    This article covers everything you need to know about wedding RSVPs, including when to send them, how to address them, what to include, and what not to include.

    Guests can also find some unique and entertaining wordings for their wedding RSVP cards. Guests can rest easy knowing that we've covered the basics of filling out wedding RSVP cards correctly. Looking for the ultimate Wedding Reception Venue in Melbourne? Look no further, Cosmopolitan events are here.

    FAQs About Weddings

    It is placed on the lower-left corner of the invitation! Respondez s'il vous plait may be written as R.s.v.p. with a capital R and a lowercase s.v.p. The other form is R.S.V.P.

    Assuming you've sent your invitations out in time (at least six to eight weeks before your wedding), then give your guests four or five weeks to RSVP. This is plenty of time for people to figure out if they want/are able to attend your wedding, as well as figure out any necessary travel arrangements.

    Unlike invitations, there's no need to include RSVP cards with your Save the Dates. Guests aren't expected to respond until they receive the invitation, although some may. DO add your wedding hashtag and wedding website.

    RSVP regrets only simply means that you only need to send your response if you are not planning on attending. If the host doesn't hear from you they will assume you will be coming. If you receive an invitation you should send your response, a yes or a no, within a week.

    RSVP or reply cards should be placed face up under the flap of the return envelope, do not put it inside the envelope! The envelopes should be addressed (to you and your fiance) and postage should already be applied.


    Where Can I Find the Meaning of the Terms Used on Invitation Cards?

    The French phrase "répondez, s'il vous plaît" (please reply) is the inspiration for the four letters that make up the acronym RSVP, which is used on invitations. Please react if you can by saying "Répondez, s'il vous plaît" in French. This shortened form of "signal for a sought reaction from guests" now exists in English.

    A Schedule for Sending Wedding Invitation Response Cards

    When is the best time for the host to send out wedding invitations and responses? There were just eight weeks until the wedding.

    Official wedding invitations are often sent out between six and eight weeks before the big day, accompanied by a postcard or card for guests to respond with their availability.

    How soon before the wedding should guests respond to the RSVP? About three to four weeks before to the ceremony.

    Can you imagine without including an RSVP card in a wedding invitation? If your wedding is just a ceremony, there is no need to send out invitations.

    When sending out your response cards, make sure to follow this checklist.

    We’ve Compiled a Comprehensive Checklist for Your Wedding’s RSVP Cards

    • Determine the overall style for the big day. Along with the main invitation and any inclosure cards that are necessary, the RSVP wedding card is a part of the wedding stationery package. Therefore, engaged couples select invitation and reply card sets that coordinate with the style of the wedding.
    • Get your guest list finalised. You can't send out invitations until you have a final guest list. It's important to keep in mind that you won't need RSVP cards for a wedding that consists solely of the ceremony.
    • Make sure the supper menu for the reception is set. Menu options for wedding reception dinner might be included on the RSVP card. You'll need to finalise your wedding day menu and hire a caterer before you can add this detail to your card.
    • Set a date by which people can respond to your invitation: If you want guests to RSVP by a certain date, tell them it must be three to four weeks before the wedding.
    • Pick out the wedding invitations and paper goods. With a completed guest list and design concept in hand, you can go shopping for wedding stationery that perfectly captures your one-of-a-kind wedding day vision.

    Not sure how you want your wedding stationery to look? Check out our list of 28 Wedding Invitation Ideas to help you choose.

    Guidelines for Filling Out a Wedding Response Card

    An appropriate wedding RSVP card should include the following details:

    • This section is left blank so that guests can sign in. Guests will use this line to list themselves and any additional guests (spouse, date, or kids) who will be joining them at your wedding. This data will be used to finalise your guest list and make table place cards.
    • Date by which an answer to the invitation to dinner must be received. You should pick a date that is three to four weeks before the wedding.
    • The sentence that says you plan to show up. This phrase's brevity and flexibility make it appropriate for a wide range of situations requiring a straightforward "Yes, I will attend your wedding" response. All that's left to do is add these persons to your guest list.
    • This is the "I'm sorry, but I can't make it" excuse. Despite the bad news, you can use this to your advantage by inviting fewer people to your wedding and saving money. What a (hidden) blessing!
    • Main course options. If the wedding reception will be serving a meal, the entrée options should be listed on the answer card.

    Incorrect information on a wedding reply card. Data pertaining to the registration. Neither the primary invitation nor the RSVP card should contain registry information.

    Getting wedding guests to respond in a timely manner and then finding them when they don't is a major source of stress for the host. Somewhere over a third of invitees won't respond, even if the couple follows response card etiquette in wording. That's more than just a minor hassle. Costs can mount if you're forced to make last-minute adjustments to your catering plans or if you need to order more party favours than you originally anticipated. If you want more people to respond to your messages, try these seven easy tips.

    Invite Guests Eight Weeks in Advance of the Wedding.

    Invitations should be sent out eight weeks before the wedding, as is customary in most cultures. That leaves you with four or five weeks to answer, or the equivalent of three or four weeks before the wedding, when the RSVP is due. The timing is essential; if you give guests too much notice, they're more likely to throw the invitation in the "things to deal with later" pile. They won't respond if they don't think it's important to do so. Less than that, though, and you risk missing your caterer's deadline and not being able to track down your tardy visitors. Check out our post on Wedding Invitation and Stationery Ideas

    Notify Guests of a Destination Wedding With Save-The-Date Cards.

    Response times for out-of-town weddings include a few extra considerations. Sending a save-the-date card nine months in advance will give guests plenty of time to arrange vacation time with their employers and hunt for affordable flights. Inviting guests to a destination wedding requires some advanced planning. That way, they can start looking for deals as early as two months before their vacation, which is when experts recommend it. A destination wedding save-the-date is essential if you intend to cover the costs of your guests' hotel stays and/or plane tickets.

    Spell out What RSVP Means

    Some attendees may misinterpret the invitation's request for an RSVP by the May 6 deadline. You can also use the following phrases instead:

    • Requesting a response by May 6th, 2017
    • We need your feedback by May 6th.

    Make the RSVP Date Prominent

    Some invitees either don't take the reply date seriously or mistakenly believe that they only need to respond if they plan on attending the event. Include a visible date for responses on the card.

    • The phrase "the favour of a reply is asked by May 6" can be used as part of a formal invitation.
    • Informal invitations can use the wording "Kindly react by May 6" or "Please reply by May 6."

    Offer Multiple Methods of RSVPing

    Although there are still people who believe weddings are too formal for online RSVPs, we are officially in the 21st century. If this opens up the possibility of response to more people, then so be it. A wedding website, email address, or phone number can all be used to receive texts and voice messages for a nontraditional ceremony. Of course, one of the most exciting aspects of wedding planning—receiving guests' responses in the mail—will be missing. It's possible, though, that you'll receive just as many heartfelt messages via electronic mail or web forms.

    What is the M for

    The standard line on modern response cards reads something like this, A date-stamped response is requested below this declaration on the blank line that starts with the letter M. The meaning of the letter M is benevolent. When put into practise, though, it becomes murky. It's supposed to spark the start of a dialogue with the receiver. Mr., Miss, Mrs., and Ms. are just titles that begin with the letter M, and their full names come after. This column should only contain the names of people in attendance. For the sake of the couple's convenience, please provide a clear listing of first and last names. A line for the expected attendance size appears below this one.

    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andersen is the proper form to use if you are married and wish to be addressed as such. We know this appears a bit dated, but it's tradition, and we can't help but respect it. RSVP to the wedding however you and your future spouse feel most at ease. Maybe you still haven't adopted your husband's surname. Then you'd have to write down Mr. Joseph Smith and Mrs. If you are a couple living together but not married, you should fill it out in the same way; however, the female partner should use Ms. or Miss as her title. What does "Ms." mean and "Miss" mean? Miss indicates a lady who is not married, while Ms. can refer to either a married or single woman.

    Figuring Out Who Should Be Invited

    The number of attendees is the next field to complete. It's important to take note of a couple things here. To begin, do you have a list of everyone who has been invited? The invitation's inner envelope is the proper place to list this information. The inner envelope should be addressed to each individual by first name. Is there no inside envelope? Then, read the outside envelope carefully to see who it is addressed to. In the example given, only the parents would be invited to the wedding because neither the outer envelope nor the inside envelope was addressed to the entire family, even though all three of the children would have been included if the latter had been the case. To that end, a plus one is equivalent. If neither the outer nor the inner envelope specifies "and guest," then only the person to whom it is addressed is invited.

    Specifying the Turnout Estimated Total

    To simplify matters, check to see if the response card includes meal options. A simple count of those present and absent will suffice. The phrase "persons will attend" appears on several wedding RSVP cards. Some people may maintain a list of yeses and noes. One of you should fill in the blank line with his or her title and first and last name if you and your spouse have been invited to a wedding but can only send one of you. Then, he or she would mark "accepts" as 1, and "declines" as 1. Instead of an x, always use a number to express yeses and noes.

    Indicating Food Choices

    Place the attendee's initials next to the meal choice on the answer card if it contains that option. The bride and groom will use these responses to determine how many of each entrée the caterer must make, thus it is crucial that guests mark their initials next to their meal choices.

    A Formal Affair

    It is assumed that you will write a remark on the response card if there is enough of blank space around the prompt or below it. You should include your full name, the initial names of other family members attending the wedding, and a few lines of well wishes if the reply card just says, "R.s.v.p." or The favour of a reply is sought by....

    In addition to signing your name and indicating whether you'll be attending or not, the reply card may provide space for a brief message of congratulations to the happy couple.

    When to Reply?

    As soon as they receive their wedding invitations, guests should respond. If you originally said you could make it to the wedding but then realised you couldn't, it's important to phone the happy couple as soon as you find out the news. Couples frequently start working on a seating chart, which can be a massive undertaking, as the big day approaches. As much time as they need to make the required adjustments, give them. Wedding guests are expected to respond honestly. If you were invited to a wedding and had the option to bring a plus one, but indicated that you would not be bringing anyone, then you should not bring anyone.

    Where Do You Start When Trying to Figure Out How Many People Can Actually Attend?

    My wedding invites had space for up to five people per household, including two adults and three youngsters. We needed to be flexible because we know that not everyone in the family would be able to make it to the wedding. Our line read "___ # of guests attending out of ____," rather than "delightfully accept(s)" with a tick next to it. By including this option, we were able to specify the number of invited family members and receive an accurate headcount once visitors responded with their attendance. An RSVP card I received and sent back is shown here as an example. Note: We retained all the RSVP cards because many of them had heartfelt messages from our guests.

    To What Date Should I Set the “Respond By” Field?

    The "kindly reply by" date should be at least one month before the wedding so that you may have an accurate headcount of guests in plenty of time. About two weeks before the wedding, a final guest count is typically required by the venue, planner, caterer, etc. There will be two weeks of leeway for visitors to respond or for unexpected circumstances to arise. Some of my pals had first said they couldn't make it, but they ended up getting time off work and flying in for the wedding. Including them on my "yes" list was a breeze, and I didn't have to worry too much about making any last-minute adjustments.


    Can an RSVP Card Be Customised in Some Way?

    With just a little extra work, each RSVP card may be completely unique. These cards typically measure 3.5 by 5.5 inches, but you may still pack them full of games and activities for your guests. At the very bottom of our RSVP card is a little space labelled "Song Request." Having our guests contribute to the wedding's music in this way was a great way to get them engaged in the preparations. Everyone had a great time responding to the RSVP cards, despite the fact that we had to track down a few people after the fact.

    The RSVP card can add a personal touch to your wedding invitations by incorporating design elements from the rest of the invitations. Usually, this is taken care of when you get personalised stationery. One of my favourite cards we've made was the answer card we gave to a German woman who got engaged in Cologne.

    We wrote her a postcard and she responded right away. On the front of the RSVP card was a beautiful illustration of the Cologne Cathedral, and on the back was the RSVP information laid out like a postcard. It was agreed that a 4x6-inch card would be ideal so that everyone could easily read it and add their names. The cathedral drawing was a nice bit of originality, and the floral design went well with the rest of the suite's furnishings.

    Are there any advantages to going? This is the question guests are posed when they receive a wedding invitation in the mail.

    The wedding response card, also known as an RSVP card, is a vital piece of paper that guests can use to confirm their attendance at the wedding.

    Using Shutterfly, you can design matching wedding invitations and RSVP cards. Aside from the basic wording, colour palette, and paper stock, you may also add your own personal touches to our RSVP cards in a number of other ways.

    Although wedding stationery is expensive, Shutterfly makes it simple for the crafty and budget-conscious bride to create beautiful, personalised items.


    In order to properly plan the reception's food, seating arrangement, and place settings, it's important to have an exact headcount. Invite guests no less than 6 weeks before the wedding and no more than 8 weeks prior. In order to finalise the guest list for a wedding, the couple needs a prompt response to the RSVP card they send out. No need to send out RSVP cards if you're only having a ceremony. In the planning stages of a wedding, the couple-to-be chooses invitation and reply card sets that complement the overall aesthetic.

    Here is a detailed guide for making your wedding's RSVP card. Three to four weeks before the wedding is a good time to send a response card. Registry details shouldn't be included on either the main invitation or the RSVP card. If there will be dinner at the reception, the answer card should detail the courses available. In most cultures, invitations are sent out eight weeks before the wedding.

    Make sure to put a reply date that can easily be seen on the card. If you want your guests to help pay for their travel and lodging expenses, you'll need to send them a save-the-date invitation to your destination wedding. The titles Mr., Miss., Mrs., and Ms. occur before the full names, because they all start with the letter M. The names of only those in attendance should be listed in this column. You can get text and voice messages sent to a wedding website, email, or phone number.

    Next, please enter the total number of guests. It's vital that diners initial next to the meals they select. Because the responses will help the bride and groom tell the caterer how many of each entrée to prepare, they are very crucial. In response to the wedding invites, guests are expected to react as soon as possible. Attendees at the wedding are requested to give their most candid responses.

    Content Summary

    • Send out invitations between 6 and 8 weeks before the wedding.
    • Guest and host etiquette for responding to invitations is crucial to completing the guest list and moving the wedding planning process forwards.
    • It's important to follow protocol while sending a wedding answer card.
    • A timely response to an RSVP card for a wedding helps the couple finalise the guest list and, in some cases, the menu for the celebration.
    • When is the best time for the host to send out wedding invitations and responses?
    • Can you imagine without including an RSVP card in a wedding invitation?
    • When sending out your response cards, make sure to follow this checklist.
    • Get your guest list finalised.
    • Pick out the wedding invitations and paper goods.
    • This data will be used to finalise your guest list and make table place cards.
    • Incorrect information on a wedding reply card.
    • If you want more people to respond to your messages, try these seven easy tips.
    • Invitations should be sent out eight weeks before the wedding, as is customary in most cultures.
    • That leaves you with four or five weeks to answer, or the equivalent of three or four weeks before the wedding, when the RSVP is due.
    • Response times for out-of-town weddings include a few extra considerations.
    • Sending a save-the-date card nine months in advance will give guests plenty of time to arrange vacation time with their employers and hunt for affordable flights.
    • Include a visible date for responses on the card.
    • the standard line on modern response cards reads something like this, A date-stamped response is requested below this declaration on the blank line that starts with the letter M. The meaning of the letter M is benevolent.
    • Mr., Miss, Mrs., and Ms. are just titles that begin with the letter M, and their full names come after.
    • This column should only contain the names of people in attendance.
    • RSVP to the wedding however you and your future spouse feel most at ease.
    • In addition to signing your name and indicating whether you'll be attending or not, the reply card may provide space for a brief message of congratulations to the happy couple.
    • As soon as they receive their wedding invitations, guests should respond.
    • Wedding guests are expected to respond honestly.
    • The "kindly reply by" date should be at least one month before the wedding so that you may have an accurate headcount of guests in plenty of time.
    • About two weeks before the wedding, a final guest count is typically required by the venue, planner, caterer, etc.
    • With just a little extra work, each RSVP card may be completely unique.
    • The RSVP card can add a personal touch to your wedding invitations by incorporating design elements from the rest of the invitations.
    • On the front of the RSVP card was a beautiful illustration of the Cologne Cathedral, and on the back was the RSVP information laid out like a postcard.
    • The wedding response card, also known as an RSVP card, is a vital piece of paper that guests can use to confirm their attendance at the wedding.
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