Wedding Photography

Are 8 Hours Enough for a Wedding Photographer?

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    While in the midst of wedding preparations, you may find yourself confronted with a number of questions you had never considered before. There are now a lot of things you need to know, and it might get a little complicated, including how much to budget, what colours are in style, and what trademark cocktail to feature on your bar menu.

    If you've ever wondered, "how many hours do we need to book our photographer for?" here's a post to help you figure it out. When you haven't figured out the specifics of your wedding plans yet, it might be difficult to choose from among the many wedding photography coverage options offered by most photographers.

    If you've done any research into hiring a wedding photographer, then you know that many of them offer packages with time constraints. Given that, you may be wondering how many hours of photography coverage are required. Finding the right answer can be challenging, but it's crucial. Setting a maximum number of hours ensures that the wedding day coverage is not misunderstood as endless and unstructured, and that everyone has the same set of expectations.

    Lucky for you, there are overarching principles you can stick to: Approximately 10 hours of coverage is required for the average wedding that lasts between five and six hours. In spite of the fact that some bundles include only eight hours of video, our research has shown that most couples need at least 10 hours of coverage time when using this expert, and some may even want as much as 12 hours.

    Your wedding photographer should assist you in determining the optimal amount of hours for coverage. As a wedding photographer, it is my responsibility to learn about and accommodate the needs of each of my clients. Consider the following questions if you're still unclear of how long you'll need your photographer. The responses will guide you towards the optimal level of protection.

    As a first step, decide how you want to go about your day. You could go the standard route and have the ceremony before the wedding portraits, or you could do something a little more out-of-the-ordinary and combine the two into a first look followed by the bridal portraits.

    Can you imagine your wedding day without those precious photographic memories? Or do you think you'll need more like 10 hours? Perhaps I'll need a full day to do this. In order to select a photographer, you must first determine how much coverage you need for your wedding.

    FAQs About Weddings

    Eight hours of wedding photography is the most popular amount of coverage and will cover most wedding days from start to finish.

    Wedding photographers typically deliver fully edited photo galleries 3-6 weeks after the wedding day. Many photographers send the couple 10-20 “sneak-peeks” or teaser photos to keep them happy while the rest of the photos are being edited.

    Generally speaking, high-end wedding photographers offer this in their starter packages. They know that images are what's most important for some couples and four hours is just enough time to photograph the end of the getting ready portion, ceremony, and formals.

    Two photographers allow for one to be with the bride before the wedding and the other to photograph the groom before the wedding. If the bride and groom are getting ready in two separate locations it may be a good idea to have a second shooter.

    Editing is one of the reasons why wedding photography costs so much. ... The time varies depending on the photographer, but it would probably take 3-4 hours to cull the images for an 8-hour wedding. The actual editing process takes much longer and is an even more significant factor in why wedding photography costs so much.

    Bridal Lingerie

    How Many Hours of Wedding Photography Do I Need?

    Wedding Photography

    One of the most frequent inquiries we get from future spouses when they are trying to decide on a wedding photography package or hire me for the big day is this. Choosing a wedding photographer can be difficult with the wide variety of services on offer and the price ranges they span. In that case, what does it all imply? In what ways do two-hour, six-hour, all-day, and half-day stretches of coverage differ from one another? In a hurry, this straightforward query can become convoluted.

    The most important parts of the day are outlined here; after all, you only live once, right?

    Depending on how many of these you want documented during your wedding, you may need more or less than the standard 2 hours of photographic coverage, which often covers the ceremony and some images thereafter.

    You can't find a better option for a quick and easy wedding than a civil ceremony. This would typically cover the ceremony, any photos taken immediately afterwards, and one to two hours of the reception, for a total of six hours of content. The 10 hours of coverage includes the entire event, from the preparation of the bride and groom through the reception. The availability of extra time for work should be considered.

    Photography Coverage 

    So, why isn't ten hours of coverage the same as a whole day? First things first: how long is a full day? Is it at least 8 hours? Photographers use their own jargon for these concepts. Different people put different amounts of time on what constitutes a full day of coverage. If you're planning a wedding and want professional photos but don't want to pay for a photographer for the whole day, you may choose a package based on the amount of hours of coverage you need. Would!! Don't make any assumptions, that's a bit of advice! Looking for a wedding photographer in Melbourne? Look no further. Cosmopolitan events has compiled an ultimate list of wedding photo companies to help you choose.

    Bride Prep

    There may be a wide variety of photo ops on your wedding day. The time of day when the bride and her attendants, along with certain close relatives, get their hair and makeup done.

    It's becoming increasingly common for brides to celebrate with their bridal party by popping champagne corks. This is a great opportunity to unwind and spend some quality time with the people that mean the most to you. We enjoy using our imagination to photograph your bridal ensemble, including the flowers, perfume, jewellery, shoes, and dress. The moment the bride slips on her dress and shows it to her attendants is one of the most touching parts of the wedding, and we enjoy being able to capture it. Bridal photographs are often taken after you and your attendants have finished getting ready.

    First Look

    Undoubtedly a growing trend, the "first look" is when the bride and groom first lay eyes on each other before the ceremony.

    Most often, this takes place during the ceremony. But as we have seen recently, more couples are choosing to have a first look before the ceremony as an alternative to the traditional ceremony due to the benefits it provides. One service that most couples love is gaining extra time at their wedding reception to be able to spend with their guests.

    There isn't much time to spare between the ceremony and the reception, or it's the dead of winter and the sun sets at an ungodly hour. Photographs at a park, on the beach, or even at the ceremony site before the guests arrive are some examples of first look places that couples are choosing.

    A first glance before the ceremony is something to seriously consider if you don't want to follow the conventional route. Your wedding party and your families will have plenty of time for portraits before the ceremony begins. As a result, guests will have more time to mingle and enjoy the reception rather than taking photos in accordance with tradition.


    This is your wedding, thus the ceremony should explain itself. This is the point in time when you and your significant other publicly declare your love for one another and make a vow to spend the rest of your lives together. Your ceremony will be the highlight of the day, and the experiences you have during it will be unforgettable.

    Numerous newlyweds nowadays opt for low-tech or no-tech nuptials. That part of the ceremony where no one is allowed to record it on camera. We know how excited your guests will be to take the first photos, but please remind them not to get in the way of the hired photographers who have been hired to preserve these memories for you. Your ceremony photographs will be considerably more impressive if your guests remain seated rather of standing and waving their arms and holding up their phones during the ceremony.

    Post-Ceremony Photographs

    The traditional time to take pictures of the wedding party, the family, and a unique portrait session of you and your spouse is immediately after the ceremony. Depending on the size of your family, wedding party, and/or location changes, these portrait sessions can last anywhere from one to three hours.

    If you and your spouse-to-be decide to conduct a first look before the ceremony, you can probably get away with merely setting aside an hour and a half or so immediately following the ceremony for family and wedding party photos.


    There will be a celebration now. It's now time to start celebrating your marriage with your loved ones. We will capture all the special moments from your wedding reception, including the introduction of the bridal party, the toasts and speeches, the cutting of the cake, the first dance, and the fun dancing shots of your guests having a great time.

    But first, before the sun goes down, there's the golden hour. When planning your wedding day, make sure to leave 20-30 minutes for a quick "slip away" mini-session during the reception. Now is the time to take advantage of the golden hour or the twilight for some stunning photographs.

    Do You Want to Capture Getting-Ready Images?

    It is recommended that you set aside at least two hours if you want images of yourself getting ready, including putting on makeup and zipping up a dress. Please take into consideration, as this may require additional time, whether or not you and your companion are getting ready in the same spot. At Cosmopolitan Events, we have compiled a list of the Best Photographers in Melbourne to help you choose who captures your magical day.

    Do You Have a First Look?

    Couples might avoid awkward first glances by taking their formal shots during cocktail hour. However, if you want to have a first look, you'll need to factor in more time for photos before the ceremony starts. Three or four hours before the ceremony is recommended if you want to take formal shots at several locations and also take pictures with family and friends before the wedding.

    How Much Travel Will Be Involved?

    Is everyone at your wedding in the same place? Alternately, will you be holding the ceremony in one place and the reception in another? When determining how many hours you'll need your photographers, it's important to factor in their travel time. Photographers, who must move quickly from one location to another, frequently need to arrive before of the visitors in order to acquire the best shots.

    How Long Is Your Wedding Reception?

    If you have three hours of dancing planned for the end of the night at your wedding reception, your photographer probably doesn't need to be there for all of it. At the end of the night, things tend to get sloppy and sweaty, so cutting corners there can save you time that you can use towards doing something more important, like getting dressed. However, if you're planning a farewell, you'll want to secure the services of your photographer right up until the very end.

    So How Many Hours Do You Need?

    The day of a wedding is always unique. Most weddings require between 8 and 10 hours of photography coverage to capture every moment from the bride and groom's preparations to the first dance.

    This essay is for you if you're having trouble settling on the ideal length of time for your wedding day. We've laid out two sample wedding day schedules so you can get a sense of the length of time you'll need to plan everything.

    Do not worry about not knowing how many hours of coverage you will need when you hire a wedding photographer because most photographers will allow you to add additional hours of coverage throughout the planning process. A minimal setup can easily be expanded upon later.

    Eight Hours - First Look at One Location

    Wedding Photography

    Most couples find that eight hours of coverage is plenty when all of the festivities are taking place at one venue. As a result, there will be plenty of time to snap pictures of your guests as they are getting dressed and as they enjoy the party on the dance floor. You may need an extra 30–90 minutes of coverage to account for travel time to another location if that is where you will be getting ready or taking photographs.

    It is common for an 8-hour package to be sufficient for a wedding of average size. The additional time will allow the photographer to obtain some great images of the reception hall, the dance party, and the finishing touches of the bride and groom getting ready.

    Things to Consider

    • Although 8 hours may seem like a long period, it is ideal for weddings where the ceremony and reception will be held at the same venue.
    • One way to save time on the big day is to have the bride and groom's getting ready locations close together.
    • Having more extensive coverage gives you a safety nett in case your day-of plans become delayed.
    • Keep in mind that you'll want to take a few more pictures of the happy couple if you can, and plan on spending 20 to 30 minutes outside of the house during the golden hour.


    Ten Hours - Traditional; Ceremony + Reception Location Different

    When the ceremony and reception will be held at separate sites, such as a church and a banquet hall, a time frame of ten hours is usually recommended. With this package, you can get your wedding covered for the entire day, with plenty of time to spare for travel, photo ops, and more. This is ideal for weddings with a large bridal party or notable families that want many of images taken.

    Ten hours of coverage is ideal if you don't want to worry about missing any of the best moments on your wedding day. Your photographer will have plenty of time to capture the entire event, from the initial preparations to the last touches, as well as a first glance or a complete sunset shoot. Not only will you have plenty of time to eat, drink, and dance, but you won't even have to rush through the wedding party and family photographs.

    Things to Consider

    • If your ceremony and reception will take place in different places, plan on having your photographer there for at least 10 hours. This will give your photographer plenty of time to get from one shoot to the next.
    • With 10 hours of coverage, you can have a longer bridal photography session or even take photos in a different location.
    • Having more extensive coverage gives you a safety nett in case your day-of plans become delayed.

    Twelve Hours of Wedding Photography

    Details, getting ready, first look, ceremony (often lasting 30 minutes or more), pictures, and reception (typically lasting till the sparkler exit) are all included.

    While most weddings don't require a photographer for the full 12 hours, we have covered weddings that lasted up to 13! It may be necessary in the same kinds of conditions as the 10-hour window, or in others, such these:

    Things to Consider

    • We've even had a wedding where the couple wanted to take a few hours to relax at their Airbnb with family and friends in between the ceremony and reception so that their guests could enjoy the botanical gardens where the ceremony was held. This necessitated a lot of driving around, and it was a lot of work for everyone involved. Check out our extensive list of Wedding Photographers in Melbourne to help capture your special moments.
    • In light of the numerous customs and events that would need to be covered, perhaps an Indian wedding would be best covered across several days.
    • In the case of a mixed-race wedding, it's customary to take pictures both in traditional garb and in more Western garb.


    When hiring a wedding photographer, most couples require at least 10 hours of coverage. Some people may desire a full day dedicated to celebrating their big day. For the duration of the five to six hours that the typical wedding lasts, you should adhere to the same general guidelines. The best level of safety can be determined by answering the following questions. The abundance of options for wedding photography services might make making a final decision challenging.

    A full day of reporting can mean different things to different people. You can pick a bundle depending on how many hours of coverage you need if you're organising a wedding and don't want to spend a fortune on professional photographs. The custom of the bride hosting a celebration for her wedding party is becoming more and more widespread. After the bride and her attendants have completed getting ready, the photographer will usually snap some photos. If you don't want to do things the traditional way, you might want to provide a first look before the ceremony.

    Beautiful pre- and post-ceremony photos can be captured at this period. Allow 20-30 minutes of the reception for a fast "slip away" mini-session. The hired photographers need space to work, so make sure your guests know to stay out of the way. Between eight and ten hours of photography coverage is necessary to record every important event of a wedding, from the bride and groom's getting ready to the first dance. We've provided two sample wedding day schedules for you to peruse so that you can get a feel for how much time will be required to organise everything.

    Content Summary

    • When you haven't figured out the specifics of your wedding plans yet, it might be difficult to choose from among the many wedding photography coverage options offered by most photographers.
    • Your wedding photographer should assist you in determining the optimal amount of hours for coverage.
    • Consider the following questions if you're still unclear of how long you'll need your photographer.
    • In order to select a photographer, you must first determine how much coverage you need for your wedding.
    • If you're planning a wedding and want professional photos but don't want to pay for a photographer for the whole day, you may choose a package based on the amount of hours of coverage you need.
    • But as we have seen recently, more couples are choosing to have a first look before the ceremony as an alternative to the traditional ceremony due to the benefits it provides.
    • One service that most couples love is gaining extra time at their wedding reception to be able to spend with their guests.
    • A first glance before the ceremony is something to seriously consider if you don't want to follow the conventional route.
    • Your wedding party and your families will have plenty of time for portraits before the ceremony begins.
    • The traditional time to take pictures of the wedding party, the family, and a unique portrait session of you and your spouse is immediately after the ceremony.
    • If you and your spouse-to-be decide to conduct a first look before the ceremony, you can probably get away with merely setting aside an hour and a half or so immediately following the ceremony for family and wedding party photos.
    • When planning your wedding day, make sure to leave 20-30 minutes for a quick "slip away" mini-session during the reception.
    • Three or four hours before the ceremony is recommended if you want to take formal shots at several locations and also take pictures with family and friends before the wedding.
    • When determining how many hours you'll need your photographers, it's important to factor in their travel time.
    • If you have three hours of dancing planned for the end of the night at your wedding reception, your photographer probably doesn't need to be there for all of it.
    • Most couples find that eight hours of coverage is plenty when all of the festivities are taking place at one venue.
    • It is common for an 8-hour package to be sufficient for a wedding of average size.
    • Although 8 hours may seem like a long period, it is ideal for weddings where the ceremony and reception will be held at the same venue.
    • When the ceremony and reception will be held at separate sites, such as a church and a banquet hall, a time frame of ten hours is usually recommended.
    • With this package, you can get your wedding covered for the entire day, with plenty of time to spare for travel, photo ops, and more.
    • If your ceremony and reception will take place in different places, plan on having your photographer there for at least 10 hours.
    • This will give your photographer plenty of time to get from one shoot to the next.
    • With 10 hours of coverage, you can have a longer bridal photography session or even take photos in a different location.
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