When Attending a Jewish Wedding, What Should You Wear?
This is naturally the first enquiry from the female gender. Obviously, this is your first question in this particular area. If you're a man, though, you could still be curious.
Are black outfits frowned upon by society's females? Um, no. You might even ask if it's required in some quarters. Although the hue is making a strong comeback, classic black will never go out of style.
Short skirts, short dresses, and low-cut tops are not permitted (most guests will have collarbones covered). Some clothing information may be of interest to you. That's what we refer to as a "shell" in the trade. It has a stylish crew neck and long sleeves, making it an ideal layering piece to wear under a wide variety of bottoms and tops from your existing wardrobe. You may count on seeing many other women dressed in this innovative garment.
Men, that simple black suit you have on is fine for formal occasions. When it comes to weddings, most Orthodox couples opt not to wear tuxedos. Just put on a decent tie and you're good to go. The yarmulke, however, adds another layer of difficulty for you men. One must wear a yarmulke to an Orthodox wedding. Theoretically, you can wear whichever yarmulke you prefer; but, if you're the sort who wants to blend in, you might want to leave the satin one at home and instead observe what the locals favour.
Women traditionally wear shoulder-covering dresses and males traditionally wear Kippahs or Yarmulkas for the ritual.
Where Should You Sit?
Separate sections of the church may be used for guests at some Orthodox weddings. Certain ones have a mechitza (this may be more for the dancing than for the seating, depending on the crowd). Many will be coed, while others will have separate sections for men and women. In other events, attendees may be of either gender.
Every chuppah I've been to where Orthodox Jews were involved required designated seating. Orthodox Jewish marriages follow a practise where the men and women sit on separate sides of the aisle. A partition separates the male and female guests at an ultra-Orthodox wedding.
Since it is against Jewish law for two people to dance together, dancing shall always be done in separate spaces. However, there are many methods for accomplishing this, such as the use of a mechitza or the simple act of drawing a series of progressively larger circles.
Is It a Must To Bring a Present?
Presents for Orthodox marriages are sometimes delivered before or after the ceremony.
You're on your own since while some brides do choose to register, many more do not. Cash is prefered, although checks are acceptable at any time. This is the ideal option for the pair, as they will not have to shlep any of their belongings to Israel. Alternatively, kitchenware, cookbooks, crystal, or kiddush cups are acceptable alternatives. Though it may seem obvious, I do not advise using a mezuzah cover, as most of them are not large enough to accommodate a kosher scroll.
Kabbalat Panim
The bride and groom are treated like king and queen on their wedding day. Kabbalat panim means "receiving of faces" and is the first ritual in a Jewish wedding. The bride and groom treat their guests to a Hachnasat Kallah and a Chosen's Tish, respectively, as befits a queen and king. The bride is greeted by her female guests, who are there to tend to her every want, as she sits atop a throne-like chair. The Chosen's Tish, sometimes known as the "groom's table," is a traditional event where all of the men salute the groom. The groom is trying to read from the Torah, but the guests are yelling out songs. The goal is to maintain a cheerful atmosphere.
Tradition dictates that the chatan and kallah not see each other for a full week before the wedding. The anticipation and thrill of the occasion are heightened in this way. As a result, the chatan and kallah do not meet visitors together before to the wedding. It is known as Kabbalat Panim.
The couple is compared to a queen and king in Jewish law. The chatan is surrounded by visitors who sing and toast him as the kallah sits on a throne to greet her guests.
In this moment, the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom stand side by side and break a dish as part of an Ashkenazi custom. The rationale for this is to emphasise the gravity of the commitment: just as a broken plate can never be totally restored, so too can a broken relationship.
Yiddish word meaning "call up" is "aufruf." The aliyah is a blessing given to the bride and husband before the wedding ceremony. Following the aliyah, the rabbi will recite a blessing known as the misheberach, and at that point, it is traditional for members of the congregation to throw candy at the newlyweds as a symbol of good luck and a pleasant married life.
Breaking a Plate
Historically, the breaking of the plate by the two moms represented their agreement to the terms of the engagement (when it was a separate ceremony). This ritual not only foreshadows the breaking of the glass during the wedding ceremony, but also represents the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Because of the significance of the wedding day as a day of forgiveness, some couples choose to fast on their wedding day in the same manner as they would on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). This fast will continue until the couple shares their first meal together following the wedding reception.
The Tish
The Jewish wedding ceremony begins with the tish, which is Yiddish for the groom's table. As the groom tries to give a talk about the Torah reading for the week, his male relatives and friends heckle and interrupt him. Meanwhile, the bride's female friends and family are entertaining her in another room. In both Conservative and Reform traditions, the bride and groom may jointly do the tish.
Ketubah Signing
In the ketubah, the groom is legally bound to provide for and care for his new wife. His provisions for the marriage, the bride's rights and protections, and the terms under which he will grant a divorce are all spelt out in this document. The Jewish marriage contract (ketubah) does not include any references to God or religious blessings because it is a civil law document. It is customary for the ketubah to be signed by the bride and groom in the presence of two witnesses before the wedding and then read aloud to the guests.
Bedeken, which literally means "to verify," is an ancient tradition with roots in the Bible.
The bedeken is not traditionally performed at weddings for Jews of Sephardic descent (those with ancestry in Spain and the Iberian Peninsula). Instead, the hands of the bride and groom may be decorated with henna at a reception held a week before the ceremony. These identifiers help everyone find them on the big day, and some people even believe they ward off the "evil eye" as they celebrate.
The groom traditionally performs the bedeken, or veiling, of the bride before to the signing of the ketubah. She gets a glance from him, and he covers her mouth. This represents his admiration for her on the inside as well as the fact that the two of them retain their unique identities even as a married couple. The Bible also has a legend that says Jacob was duped into marrying the sister of the lady he loved because she wore a veil. The possibility of deception is eliminated if the groom does the veiling himself.
The Walk to the Chuppah
The chuppah, or wedding canopy, symbolises God's protection over the couple and their future home as one. There are no walls under the chuppah, and the presence of loved ones there is a symbol that guests are always welcome. The chuppah can be created out of anything the couple finds meaningful, such as a homemade quilt or prayer shawl. Some chuppahs aren't free-standing, thus they need four people (often close friends or family members of the marriage) to support the poles on which the canopy rests.
The order of the processional and recessional is modified slightly from the norm in non-Jewish rituals to better fit Jewish customs. Jewish custom dictates that the groom be escorted down the aisle by both sets of parents to the chuppah, the canopy under which the marriage vows are exchanged. Next comes the bride and her parents. The bride's and groom's parents, as well as the bride, groom, and rabbi, all take part in the ritual by standing under the chuppah.
Vows Under the Chuppah
The chuppah is a four-sided canopy used in Jewish wedding ceremonies to represent the couple's future home. As a symbol of the openness and hospitality of Abraham and Sarah's tent, which dates back to the time when the Jewish people wandered the desert, the building is often associated with that period. The design of the chuppah is left up to the couple's discretion. We've had the honour of collaborating with weddings on chuppah designs and flower arrangements, and we love seeing how each one uniquely reflects the bride.
A chuppah is a four-sided canopy used in Jewish wedding ceremonies to represent the couple's future dwelling as husband and wife. During the ceremony, friends and family of the couple may hold up the chuppah's four posts as a symbol of their commitment to the couple's new life together. In some cases, though, a flower-adorned structure may stand on its own. The tallit, or prayer shawl, of the bride or groom, or a member of their families, is traditionally used to make the canopy.
Traditional Ashkenazi wedding ceremonies include the bride making three or seven complete rotations around her fiancé while under the chuppah. Some think this is done to erect a magical shield against the pull of temptation, the eyes of males, and the stares of other women. Some others think the bride is only establishing a new family ring.
Erusin or Kiddushin (Betrothal)
Erusin or Kiddushin (betrothal) and Nissuin (marriage) are the two sections of a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony (nuptials). These two events used to be held months apart, but now they are consolidated into one.
The parents of the bride and groom join their children for the traditional blessing over a cup of wine at the start of Erusin. Kiddushin, the Hebrew word for "marriage," is derived from the Hebrew word for "holy," and so the second blessing sanctifies the couple as one holy unit.
In the eyes of the Jewish faith, a marriage is made holy when a couple exchanges gifts in front of witnesses. In order to fulfil the requirements of the laws of Moses and Israel, the couple traditionally exchanges rings while saying the following in Hebrew: "Behold, you are committed to me with this ring." The rings are unbroken and stone-free to represent the completeness and unity attained through marriage. Traditionally, rings were worn on the right index finger to symbolise the old notion that a vein ran directly from the tip of the finger to the centre of the chest. During this section of a Sephardic ceremony, the couple exchanges rings or other valuable items such as coins or jewellery.
Nissuin (Nuptials)
The seven benedictions of the Sheva Brachot are then chanted or read over the second cup of wine, either by the officiating clergy or by friends of the couple, marking the beginning of the second phase of the wedding ceremony. A period of time between the betrothal and the wedding, therefore the two cups of wine symbolise this. The Sephardic community recycles the cup from Erusin for Nissuin. Both the Ashkenazi and the Sephardic communities use the same seven blessings at weddings. They express gratitude for the fruit of the vine, the creation of the world and humanity, the continuation of life, the continuation of the Jewish community, the happiness of the newlyweds, and the joy of marriage.
Ring Exchange
Jewish brides traditionally wear plain metal wedding bands (gold, silver, or platinum) on their wedding day. For ancient cultures, the engagement ring represented the bride's "buying price" or anything of value. With no stones in the ring, the value could only be estimated. According to certain beliefs, the left forefinger is the most auspicious location for a ring since the vein running through it leads directly to the heart.
Sheva B'rachot: Seven Blessings
The Sheva B'rachot are an ancient set of teachings that include seven blessings. A number of friends and family members will take turns reciting them, maybe in both Hebrew and English, just as they might at other events. The themes of the blessings are happiness, festivity, and the redemptive potential of love. A cup of wine is used to symbolise the union between the bride and groom, and the blessings that follow are increasingly big and joyous, culminating in wishes for the newlyweds' happiness, peace, and togetherness.
Breaking of the Glass
The shattering of the glass is probably the most well-known ritual associated with Jewish weddings. The groom traditionally breaks a wine glass with his bare foot. However, modern custom dictates that the bride should feel free to join in the festivities. The ritual's significance can be traced back to the demolition of Jerusalem's Temple, the fact that life is full of both happiness and sadness, or the precarious nature of human connections. The sound of shattering glass signals to wedding guests that the celebration can officially begin.
The groom (or sometimes the bride and groom) may be asked to tread on a glass contained in a cloth bag when the ritual comes to a close. In this context, the sound of glass shattering might be interpreted in several ways. Some have interpreted it as symbolising the fall of the Jerusalem Temple. Others see it as a symbol of the vow to stick together through good times and bad and an illustration of the fact that marriage includes both joy and sadness. After the ceremony, the fabric containing the glass shards is gathered, and many couples decide to incorporate it into a keepsake of some kind to commemorate their special day.
Mazel Tov!
One of the most well-known Jewish wedding ceremonies is the shouting of "Mazel tov!" When the glass is finally shattered, the visitors will yell "Mazel tov!" "Congratulations" or "good luck" are also acceptable translations of mazel tov. The literal translation is more along the lines of proclaiming the recipient(s) to be the recipients of great fortune or best wishes for the future. Only at a wedding is it appropriate to use the phrase "mazel tov."
The pair has had a very hectic day. The Yichud, which literally translates to "isolation," is a rite in which the newlyweds take some time apart to celebrate their new status as husband and wife.
After the ceremony, couples must yichud for at least eight minutes (or seclusion). This practise gives the newlyweds some alone time to celebrate and reflect on their new union in peace and quiet. During the yichud, it is also traditional for the bride and groom to eat their first meal together as husband and wife. The Ashkenazim's "golden soup" (thought to signal prosperity and create strength) is only one example of a community's traditional dinner; other examples include your grandma's chocolate chip cookies and a pot of stew.
Seudat Mitzvah (The Wedding Feast)
Guests are obligated to make the chatan and kallah happy on their wedding day by spreading Simcha. Guests rejoice with the happy couple with music and dancing, and some even put on a show with juggling and acrobatics.
Guests at a Jewish wedding are expected to join in the festivities and contribute to the newlyweds' happiness. There is no better way to do this than by dancing, especially the hora, a traditional Jewish circle dance. As part of the festivities, the newlyweds will likely be carried around the dance floor in chairs as they enjoy this dance.
Hora and Mezinke
The hora is a festive dance performed by guests in a circle during the reception. The gendered nature of the dance floor means that it is common to see ladies dancing with other women and men dancing with other males. The bride and groom are given handkerchiefs or linen napkins and raised into the air while sitting on seats. Additionally, at the wedding of their youngest child, the parents of the bride or groom do a dance known as the mezinke.
You won't see it at a real Jewish wedding, but some people want to take a mikvah (ritual bath) before they get married to symbolise leaving their single days behind them.
You can see that the Jewish ceremony is full of meaningful traditions that symbolise the love and joy that surround the joining of a man and a woman in marriage.
Do you know what to dress to a Jewish wedding? Do you know where to sit? There should be a separation between the sexes, so men and women of both sexes sit on opposite sides of the aisle. Depending on the congregation, Orthodox Jewish weddings may feature separate sections for men and women, mixed-gender seating, or mixed-gender and co-ed seating. Since it is against Jewish law for two people to dance together, dancing will always be done in separate spaces. You may use a mechitza or just draw a bunch of different circles to accomplish this.
An Hachnasat Kallah and a Chosen's Tish are served to guests as a special treat from the bride and groom. Tish is Yiddish for "groom's table," which is where the ceremony officially begins during a Jewish wedding. A number of couples follow the Yom Kippur model and fast on their wedding day (the Day of Atonement) Fasting will continue until the newlyweds eat their first meal together after the wedding festivities. The ancient custom of bedeken (which literally means "to verify") has its origins in the Bible. When a veil is used, it is often placed over the bride's face by her future husband either before or after the procession.
When getting married, Jewish brides traditionally wear plain metal wedding bands made of gold, silver, or platinum. Guests at a wedding know the party has started when they hear the sound of broken glass. The significance of the ceremony stems from the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Many newlyweds choose to integrate the fabric that contained the glass fragments into a souvenir after the wedding. There are many beautiful rituals in the Jewish ceremony that represent the happiness and love that comes with a man and a woman finally tying the knot. The guests play music and dance, and some even put on a show for the newlyweds by juggling and doing acrobatics.
FAQs About Jewish Weddings
The Jewish marriage ceremony lasts more than a single day. The "wedding" ceremonies started with the choice to tie the knot. At the tenaim ceremony, a commitment contract is read and a dish is broken to symbolise the future marriage.
It is forbidden to have a wedding on Shabbat or any Jewish holiday, including Chol HaMoed. Since the point of a wedding is for the bride to gain her husband, it is forbidden to have weddings on Shabbat. No business may be transacted or property acquired during Shabbat, making weddings impossible. Work cannot be done on the wedding day since it is necessary for guests to arrive by transportation and the wedding's success. Even though practises throughout the omer counting period and the three weeks are generally forbidden, there is some variation in these restrictions based on local custom. There are more and less fortunate months and days.
Jewish prenuptial agreements were devised recently by Jewish religious entities to protect wives from their husbands' possible refusal to issue a payout in the case of a divorce. Many countries, including the UK, US, and Israel, have developed and broadly adopted similar documents. However, not everyone agrees with this method; the Orthodox in particular have been sceptical.
The Lieberman clause was created by conservative Jews to ensure that no husband could ever refuse to grant his wife a get. The ketubah is designed to do this with built-in provisions; hence, should certain events occur, the divorce will be finalised instantly.
Judaism considers marriage to be the formalisation of a ritual purification between a Jewish man and a Jewish woman in which they involve God. There are two ways a Jewish marriage might come to an end: either one of the spouses dies or the husband gives his wife a divorce certificate. In Talmudic times, some provisions were added, especially to safeguard the woman.
Changes in who can marry who are the result of non-Orthodox trends. However, there is some disagreement about whether or not it is desirable to avoid intercultural marriage.
According to the Talmud, a man must keep his wife's physical being safe. In the event of his wife's illness, he would be obligated by the Talmud to cover any and all medical costs that may arise; he must see that his wife receives treatment. Even though his wife had been unwell for a long time, some renowned rabbis throughout history opposed divorce as inhumane behaviour, so he couldn't use it to get out of paying for her medical bills.
Content Summary
- There are several symbolic traditions in a Jewish wedding that highlight the importance of the couple's commitment to one other and to the Jewish community.
- One must wear a yarmulke to an Orthodox wedding.
- As a result, the chatan and kallah do not meet visitors together before the wedding.
- The aliyah is a blessing given to the bride and husband before the wedding ceremony.
- The Jewish wedding ceremony begins with the tish, which is Yiddish for the groom's table.
- The chuppah, or wedding canopy, symbolises God's protection over the couple and their future home as one.
- Jewish custom dictates that the groom be escorted down the aisle by both sets of parents to the chuppah, the canopy under which the marriage vows are exchanged.
- The bride's and groom's parents, as well as the bride, groom, and rabbi, all take part in the ritual by standing under the chuppah.
- The chuppah is a four-sided canopy used in Jewish wedding ceremonies to represent the couple's future home.
- Traditionally, rings were worn on the right index finger to symbolise the old notion that a vein ran directly from the tip of the finger to the centre of the chest.
- During this section of a Sephardic ceremony, the couple exchanges rings or other valuable items such as coins or jewellery.
- The shattering of the glass is probably the most well-known ritual associated with Jewish weddings.
- After the ceremony, couples must yichud for at least eight minutes (or seclusion).
- During the yichud, it is also traditional for the bride and groom to eat their first meal together as husband and wife.
- Guests at a Jewish wedding are expected to join in the festivities and contribute to the newlyweds' happiness.